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Body Talk 26/10/16

Is plastic good for you?

It’s long been known that drinking water from plastic bottles isn’t good for you as they do contain substances that can contribute to cancer. Now it’s been proven that they contain chemicals that can not only contribute to cancer but also diabetes adhd and autism.Endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with the body’s hormonal system which affects development and leaves the body open to a staggering range of diseases too. These chemicals are found in thousands of every day products including plastic and metal food containers detergents flame retardants and cosmetics. Although this piece of research was done in the US and many of the chemicals referred to in the report are actually banned in the UK it is still worth knowing about. Particularly when travelling abroad, it isn’t only the water we need to be wary of!!

Are you concerned about lack of sleep? It’s a problem that does indeed seem to be unsolvable, but there are many things we can be doing to help change our sleep patterns. A good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold.

Around 30% of adults experience chronic insomnia, which means it lasts for more than a month. According to research, insomniacs are more likely to have accidents, in particular road acccidents, where they are falling asleep at the wheel.

Are sleeping tablets the answer? The overuse of these can have harmful side effects. Try instead some soothing music. Studies have shown that this does have a positive effect, which the NHS does recommend. The top rated sleep music is Bach, followed rather surprisingly by Ed Sheeran, then Mozart, Emo and Coldplay. So a real mix of musical styles but all of which are soothing for the soul.



Body Talk 26/10/16

Is plastic good for you?

It’s long been known that drinking water from plastic bottles isn’t good for you as they do contain substances that can contribute to cancer. Now it’s been proven that they contain chemicals that can not only contribute to cancer but also diabetes adhd and autism.Endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with the body’s hormonal system which affects development and leaves the body open to a staggering range of diseases too. These chemicals are found in thousands of every day products including plastic and metal food containers detergents flame retardants and cosmetics. Although this piece of research was done in the US and many of the chemicals referred to in the report are actually banned in the UK it is still worth knowing about. Particularly when travelling abroad, it isn’t only the water we need to be wary of!!

Are you concerned about lack of sleep? It’s a problem that does indeed seem to be unsolvable, but there are many things we can be doing to help change our sleep patterns. A good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold.

Around 30% of adults experience chronic insomnia, which means it lasts for more than a month. According to research, insomniacs are more likely to have accidents, in particular road acccidents, where they are falling asleep at the wheel.

Are sleeping tablets the answer? The overuse of these can have harmful side effects. Try instead some soothing music. Studies have shown that this does have a positive effect, which the NHS does recommend. The top rated sleep music is Bach, followed rather surprisingly by Ed Sheeran, then Mozart, Emo and Coldplay. So a real mix of musical styles but all of which are soothing for the soul.



Body Talk 26/10/16

Is plastic good for you?

It’s long been known that drinking water from plastic bottles isn’t good for you as they do contain substances that can contribute to cancer. Now it’s been proven that they contain chemicals that can not only contribute to cancer but also diabetes adhd and autism.Endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with the body’s hormonal system which affects development and leaves the body open to a staggering range of diseases too. These chemicals are found in thousands of every day products including plastic and metal food containers detergents flame retardants and cosmetics. Although this piece of research was done in the US and many of the chemicals referred to in the report are actually banned in the UK it is still worth knowing about. Particularly when travelling abroad, it isn’t only the water we need to be wary of!!

Are you concerned about lack of sleep? It’s a problem that does indeed seem to be unsolvable, but there are many things we can be doing to help change our sleep patterns. A good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold.

Around 30% of adults experience chronic insomnia, which means it lasts for more than a month. According to research, insomniacs are more likely to have accidents, in particular road acccidents, where they are falling asleep at the wheel.

Are sleeping tablets the answer? The overuse of these can have harmful side effects. Try instead some soothing music. Studies have shown that this does have a positive effect, which the NHS does recommend. The top rated sleep music is Bach, followed rather surprisingly by Ed Sheeran, then Mozart, Emo and Coldplay. So a real mix of musical styles but all of which are soothing for the soul.



Body Talk 26/10/16

Is plastic good for you?

It’s long been known that drinking water from plastic bottles isn’t good for you as they do contain substances that can contribute to cancer. Now it’s been proven that they contain chemicals that can not only contribute to cancer but also diabetes adhd and autism.Endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with the body’s hormonal system which affects development and leaves the body open to a staggering range of diseases too. These chemicals are found in thousands of every day products including plastic and metal food containers detergents flame retardants and cosmetics. Although this piece of research was done in the US and many of the chemicals referred to in the report are actually banned in the UK it is still worth knowing about. Particularly when travelling abroad, it isn’t only the water we need to be wary of!!

Are you concerned about lack of sleep? It’s a problem that does indeed seem to be unsolvable, but there are many things we can be doing to help change our sleep patterns. A good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold.

Around 30% of adults experience chronic insomnia, which means it lasts for more than a month. According to research, insomniacs are more likely to have accidents, in particular road acccidents, where they are falling asleep at the wheel.

Are sleeping tablets the answer? The overuse of these can have harmful side effects. Try instead some soothing music. Studies have shown that this does have a positive effect, which the NHS does recommend. The top rated sleep music is Bach, followed rather surprisingly by Ed Sheeran, then Mozart, Emo and Coldplay. So a real mix of musical styles but all of which are soothing for the soul.


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