Peppermint tea is very good for the digestion, it can help with gas, bloating, diarrhea and even irritable bowel. Capsules are also available which could be a good alternative. It can also help with headaches and nerve pain, and a poultice can also help relieve itching or sunburn, or try adding a brew to your bathwater. It can also break up lung congestion,helping with colds and flu, and possibly helping fight the virus itself. If you are sensitive, it can exacerbate heartburn and not good if you’re breastfeeding as it can dry up milk supply.
Rosemary extract can protect against ultra violet ray damage from the sun. It can reduce oxidative stress and has been known to help with arthritis. Studies show that breathing in the scent of rosemary oil can help with anxiety and improve memory, so good to have before an exam.
There are a lot of nettles around this time of year,and they are very good for you. Drinking nettle tea can improve bone density, being high in calcium, and also rich in magnesium which is good for muscle health. Try drinking a nettle tea every day to see these health improvements.
It’s always worth trying a natural remedy, overall it can be much better for your health with no nasty side effects.