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Body Talk 28/6/20

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Body Talk - 21 Jun 2020
Body Talk
Mel Watson

Sleeping and back pain could be connected.The position that you sleep in bed could either increase or decrease the amount of pain you experience. If you have back pain or tingling in the limbs it could be due to the way you sleep.
Apparently the worst position to sleep in is on your stomach as it cranes your neck at a 90 degree angle and puts pressure on the muscles and joints, back and spine,which can lead to pain. On either side of the spine are facet joints which get squashed as you move your head. If you’re lying in this position for 6 to 8 hours, it can lead to reduced blood supply and of course, pain or headaches.
Raising your arms above your head when sleeping can make things worse as it reduces blood flow to the arms, it’s a bit like stepping on a hose pipe.
We change position between 12 and 20 times per night, completely unconsciously, which does relieve pressure on the joints.
The best sleep position is lying on your back, as the head,neck and spine are in alignment, although this isn’t so good if you snore. Sleeping on your side is more common,but as long as the head neck and spine are supported side sleeping is fine.
Try giving yourself positive affirmations to help stay in a good sleep position.
Weighted blankets are also quite popular at the moment, which replicate a hugging feeling, and could prevent you from turning in your sleep.
Taping a marble to your upper chest could be a solution to stopping you from rolling on to your front.Hypnosis is also popular with insomniacs and could be a good way to change your sleep position.
Ultimately there is no one answer, but awareness is half the battle, so try experimenting with different ways of sleeping and see if it helps.

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Body Talk 28/6/20

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Body Talk - 21 Jun 2020
Body Talk
Mel Watson

Sleeping and back pain could be connected.The position that you sleep in bed could either increase or decrease the amount of pain you experience. If you have back pain or tingling in the limbs it could be due to the way you sleep.
Apparently the worst position to sleep in is on your stomach as it cranes your neck at a 90 degree angle and puts pressure on the muscles and joints, back and spine,which can lead to pain. On either side of the spine are facet joints which get squashed as you move your head. If you’re lying in this position for 6 to 8 hours, it can lead to reduced blood supply and of course, pain or headaches.
Raising your arms above your head when sleeping can make things worse as it reduces blood flow to the arms, it’s a bit like stepping on a hose pipe.
We change position between 12 and 20 times per night, completely unconsciously, which does relieve pressure on the joints.
The best sleep position is lying on your back, as the head,neck and spine are in alignment, although this isn’t so good if you snore. Sleeping on your side is more common,but as long as the head neck and spine are supported side sleeping is fine.
Try giving yourself positive affirmations to help stay in a good sleep position.
Weighted blankets are also quite popular at the moment, which replicate a hugging feeling, and could prevent you from turning in your sleep.
Taping a marble to your upper chest could be a solution to stopping you from rolling on to your front.Hypnosis is also popular with insomniacs and could be a good way to change your sleep position.
Ultimately there is no one answer, but awareness is half the battle, so try experimenting with different ways of sleeping and see if it helps.

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Body Talk 28/6/20

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Body Talk - 21 Jun 2020
Body Talk
Mel Watson

Sleeping and back pain could be connected.The position that you sleep in bed could either increase or decrease the amount of pain you experience. If you have back pain or tingling in the limbs it could be due to the way you sleep.
Apparently the worst position to sleep in is on your stomach as it cranes your neck at a 90 degree angle and puts pressure on the muscles and joints, back and spine,which can lead to pain. On either side of the spine are facet joints which get squashed as you move your head. If you’re lying in this position for 6 to 8 hours, it can lead to reduced blood supply and of course, pain or headaches.
Raising your arms above your head when sleeping can make things worse as it reduces blood flow to the arms, it’s a bit like stepping on a hose pipe.
We change position between 12 and 20 times per night, completely unconsciously, which does relieve pressure on the joints.
The best sleep position is lying on your back, as the head,neck and spine are in alignment, although this isn’t so good if you snore. Sleeping on your side is more common,but as long as the head neck and spine are supported side sleeping is fine.
Try giving yourself positive affirmations to help stay in a good sleep position.
Weighted blankets are also quite popular at the moment, which replicate a hugging feeling, and could prevent you from turning in your sleep.
Taping a marble to your upper chest could be a solution to stopping you from rolling on to your front.Hypnosis is also popular with insomniacs and could be a good way to change your sleep position.
Ultimately there is no one answer, but awareness is half the battle, so try experimenting with different ways of sleeping and see if it helps.

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Body Talk 28/6/20

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Body Talk - 21 Jun 2020
Body Talk
Mel Watson

Sleeping and back pain could be connected.The position that you sleep in bed could either increase or decrease the amount of pain you experience. If you have back pain or tingling in the limbs it could be due to the way you sleep.
Apparently the worst position to sleep in is on your stomach as it cranes your neck at a 90 degree angle and puts pressure on the muscles and joints, back and spine,which can lead to pain. On either side of the spine are facet joints which get squashed as you move your head. If you’re lying in this position for 6 to 8 hours, it can lead to reduced blood supply and of course, pain or headaches.
Raising your arms above your head when sleeping can make things worse as it reduces blood flow to the arms, it’s a bit like stepping on a hose pipe.
We change position between 12 and 20 times per night, completely unconsciously, which does relieve pressure on the joints.
The best sleep position is lying on your back, as the head,neck and spine are in alignment, although this isn’t so good if you snore. Sleeping on your side is more common,but as long as the head neck and spine are supported side sleeping is fine.
Try giving yourself positive affirmations to help stay in a good sleep position.
Weighted blankets are also quite popular at the moment, which replicate a hugging feeling, and could prevent you from turning in your sleep.
Taping a marble to your upper chest could be a solution to stopping you from rolling on to your front.Hypnosis is also popular with insomniacs and could be a good way to change your sleep position.
Ultimately there is no one answer, but awareness is half the battle, so try experimenting with different ways of sleeping and see if it helps.

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