Do you suffer from hangovers? We are always searching for the ultimate hangover cure, and the only real answer is to not drink in the first place. But for those odd occasions when the suffering begins what can we do?
Apparently research has revealed that the average Brit loses 252 hours to hangovers each year which leads to a massive loss in productivity.
The common sense rule definitely applies here. It’s always a good idea to have a meal before going out, and to drink plenty of water and drink in moderation.
Nausea and vomiting are some of the most common symptoms the day after the night before. Alcohol is a toxin so it irritates the lining of the stomach and can cause inflammation, leaving it a fragile state. Alcohol stimulates the production of stomach acid which leads to indigestion. Alcohol also delays gastric emptying which means food and fluid sit in the stomach for longer. A combination of all three of these things will lead to that nauseous feeling and send you rushing to the bathroom.
One of the best remedies is not a big fry up, but ginger which has long been used to settle the stomach for travel sickness and during pregnancy.
Dehydration is another problem as alcohol is a diuretic which mean you want to go to the toilet more often, resulting in a huge water deficit, the kidneys have to work harder to keep the electrolyte balance right. Drinking more water or water between drinks will help to alleviate this.
Then there is the headache. Alcohol dilates blood vessels in the brain, and if you combine this with the previous symptoms a massive headache is the end result. Over the counter pain killers like ibuprofen will help to redress the balance.
Put simply if you overdo it, there’s no easy answer; only to drink responsibly and in moderation.