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Body Talk 17/5/16

Yoga really is good for you!! Researchers recruited a group of volunteers to find out whether it could improve memory and the results were all in favour of yoga.It enhanced both memory and spatial awareness. It also had additional spiritual benefits which enhanced emotional wellbeing. All in all a big thumbs up for the practise of yoga and meditation. There are groups available to join locally or you could try on line classes or  even an app.

What does your face say about you? All of your features give a specific message about the state of your health. You can’t necessarily use it as an accurate diagnostic tool but it can give you some clues as to what you should be doing in terms of improving your health.

A crease in the ear can be an indicator of heart disease. Sunken or hollow temples can indicate dehydration. Prominent veins in the temples can indicate high blood pressure.Bushy eyebrows are a sign of a robust constitution. Patchy eyebrows can indicate blood sugar problems and possibly diabetes. Red cheeks can mean high blood pressure. An enlarged lower lip can indicate constipation, thick lips can indicate underactive thyroid and pale lips point to anaemia. If you look into your eyes,a thin white circle around the iris can indicate raised cholesterol.

So you can find out a lot just by looking at a persons face. Be interesting to know just how accurate these signs are. Hopefully I can report more news on this soon.


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Body Talk 17/5/16

Yoga really is good for you!! Researchers recruited a group of volunteers to find out whether it could improve memory and the results were all in favour of yoga.It enhanced both memory and spatial awareness. It also had additional spiritual benefits which enhanced emotional wellbeing. All in all a big thumbs up for the practise of yoga and meditation. There are groups available to join locally or you could try on line classes or  even an app.

What does your face say about you? All of your features give a specific message about the state of your health. You can’t necessarily use it as an accurate diagnostic tool but it can give you some clues as to what you should be doing in terms of improving your health.

A crease in the ear can be an indicator of heart disease. Sunken or hollow temples can indicate dehydration. Prominent veins in the temples can indicate high blood pressure.Bushy eyebrows are a sign of a robust constitution. Patchy eyebrows can indicate blood sugar problems and possibly diabetes. Red cheeks can mean high blood pressure. An enlarged lower lip can indicate constipation, thick lips can indicate underactive thyroid and pale lips point to anaemia. If you look into your eyes,a thin white circle around the iris can indicate raised cholesterol.

So you can find out a lot just by looking at a persons face. Be interesting to know just how accurate these signs are. Hopefully I can report more news on this soon.


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Body Talk 17/5/16

Yoga really is good for you!! Researchers recruited a group of volunteers to find out whether it could improve memory and the results were all in favour of yoga.It enhanced both memory and spatial awareness. It also had additional spiritual benefits which enhanced emotional wellbeing. All in all a big thumbs up for the practise of yoga and meditation. There are groups available to join locally or you could try on line classes or  even an app.

What does your face say about you? All of your features give a specific message about the state of your health. You can’t necessarily use it as an accurate diagnostic tool but it can give you some clues as to what you should be doing in terms of improving your health.

A crease in the ear can be an indicator of heart disease. Sunken or hollow temples can indicate dehydration. Prominent veins in the temples can indicate high blood pressure.Bushy eyebrows are a sign of a robust constitution. Patchy eyebrows can indicate blood sugar problems and possibly diabetes. Red cheeks can mean high blood pressure. An enlarged lower lip can indicate constipation, thick lips can indicate underactive thyroid and pale lips point to anaemia. If you look into your eyes,a thin white circle around the iris can indicate raised cholesterol.

So you can find out a lot just by looking at a persons face. Be interesting to know just how accurate these signs are. Hopefully I can report more news on this soon.


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Body Talk 17/5/16

Yoga really is good for you!! Researchers recruited a group of volunteers to find out whether it could improve memory and the results were all in favour of yoga.It enhanced both memory and spatial awareness. It also had additional spiritual benefits which enhanced emotional wellbeing. All in all a big thumbs up for the practise of yoga and meditation. There are groups available to join locally or you could try on line classes or  even an app.

What does your face say about you? All of your features give a specific message about the state of your health. You can’t necessarily use it as an accurate diagnostic tool but it can give you some clues as to what you should be doing in terms of improving your health.

A crease in the ear can be an indicator of heart disease. Sunken or hollow temples can indicate dehydration. Prominent veins in the temples can indicate high blood pressure.Bushy eyebrows are a sign of a robust constitution. Patchy eyebrows can indicate blood sugar problems and possibly diabetes. Red cheeks can mean high blood pressure. An enlarged lower lip can indicate constipation, thick lips can indicate underactive thyroid and pale lips point to anaemia. If you look into your eyes,a thin white circle around the iris can indicate raised cholesterol.

So you can find out a lot just by looking at a persons face. Be interesting to know just how accurate these signs are. Hopefully I can report more news on this soon.


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