Tonight my guest was Dr Farooq Maniyar, who was here to discuss migraines. Dr Maniyar is an expert on headache disorders, runs a headache clinic at Basildon Hospital and a private clinic at Spire Hartswood Hospital in Brentwood. He won an international award last year for his research in migraines.
A migraine is more than just a headache. There are many symptoms that can warn of a migraine attack. About 25% of people get an aura, which means they see flashing lights or patterns. They may also experience tunnel vision. These warning signs can appear several hours before the headache comes on. After the onset of the headache, the sufferer can also experienced heightened sensitivity in all or some of the senses ; light, sound, smell and touch. It can also bring about a feeling of nausea.
The actual attack can last anywhere from one to twelve hours. In serious cases sometimes longer.
In the past it’s been thought that the migraine can be brought on by eating chocolate , cheese or caffeine, but it seems now that these cravings are simply an indication of the onset of an attack. Tension is another indicator, and although tension accompanies the headache, this is still not directly the cause. It seems to be brought on by a type of electrical storm in the brain.
Migraines can be experienced by anyone,although it does seem to be that it can be passed on in the genes. It is more common in women than men, and more so in adults than children.
Now it can be treated in a few different ways depending on the severity and the type of symptoms. A course of tablets can be effective, but if nausea accompanies the attack, there are injections or nasal sprays. In really severe cases, it is possible to use botox injections to dull the nerve endings, or as a last resort, opersting to relieve the pressure at the base of the skull.
If you would like to know more about migraines call Dr Maniyar at Spire on 01277 266761.