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Body Talk 10/10/12

This evening we welcomed back Mr Ali Al-Sabti, one of the consultant orthopaedic surgeons at Spire Hartswood Hospital.

Ali specialises in shoulder problems. Apparently it’s the most mobile joint in the body, and one which we take for granted.

Certain people or occupations are more vulnerable to shoulder injuries, such as sports people (golfers, racquet sports, etc) decorators or cleaners, who are constantly working the shoulder joint in repetitive movements for long periods of time.

Shoulder pain can sometimes be an indication that there is a spinal problem. So Ali would give the shoulder a thorough examination and perhaps recommend a course of physiotharapy or anti inflammatories before resorting to surgery. However, todays keyhole surgery means quicker ecovery time, and the patients always say it was worth it.

There is now a new Essex Bones and Joint Service at Spire Hartswood. The hospital has brought together 22 consultants, including orthopaedic surgeons, a hand surgeon, neurosurgeons, pain specialists, neurologists and rheumatologists. By having all of these specialists most musclo-skeletalproblems can be treated, plus there is access to the MRI scanner.

If patients need surgery it can be arranged,but most won’t need it. If they need a physio, there are specialist physios available,and the hospital even has a hydrotherapy pool, pilates classes and a sports massage therapist.

To find out about the Essex Bones and Joints Service call the treatment enquiry line :01277 265765 or the website :

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Body Talk 10/10/12

This evening we welcomed back Mr Ali Al-Sabti, one of the consultant orthopaedic surgeons at Spire Hartswood Hospital.

Ali specialises in shoulder problems. Apparently it’s the most mobile joint in the body, and one which we take for granted.

Certain people or occupations are more vulnerable to shoulder injuries, such as sports people (golfers, racquet sports, etc) decorators or cleaners, who are constantly working the shoulder joint in repetitive movements for long periods of time.

Shoulder pain can sometimes be an indication that there is a spinal problem. So Ali would give the shoulder a thorough examination and perhaps recommend a course of physiotharapy or anti inflammatories before resorting to surgery. However, todays keyhole surgery means quicker ecovery time, and the patients always say it was worth it.

There is now a new Essex Bones and Joint Service at Spire Hartswood. The hospital has brought together 22 consultants, including orthopaedic surgeons, a hand surgeon, neurosurgeons, pain specialists, neurologists and rheumatologists. By having all of these specialists most musclo-skeletalproblems can be treated, plus there is access to the MRI scanner.

If patients need surgery it can be arranged,but most won’t need it. If they need a physio, there are specialist physios available,and the hospital even has a hydrotherapy pool, pilates classes and a sports massage therapist.

To find out about the Essex Bones and Joints Service call the treatment enquiry line :01277 265765 or the website :

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Body Talk 10/10/12

This evening we welcomed back Mr Ali Al-Sabti, one of the consultant orthopaedic surgeons at Spire Hartswood Hospital.

Ali specialises in shoulder problems. Apparently it’s the most mobile joint in the body, and one which we take for granted.

Certain people or occupations are more vulnerable to shoulder injuries, such as sports people (golfers, racquet sports, etc) decorators or cleaners, who are constantly working the shoulder joint in repetitive movements for long periods of time.

Shoulder pain can sometimes be an indication that there is a spinal problem. So Ali would give the shoulder a thorough examination and perhaps recommend a course of physiotharapy or anti inflammatories before resorting to surgery. However, todays keyhole surgery means quicker ecovery time, and the patients always say it was worth it.

There is now a new Essex Bones and Joint Service at Spire Hartswood. The hospital has brought together 22 consultants, including orthopaedic surgeons, a hand surgeon, neurosurgeons, pain specialists, neurologists and rheumatologists. By having all of these specialists most musclo-skeletalproblems can be treated, plus there is access to the MRI scanner.

If patients need surgery it can be arranged,but most won’t need it. If they need a physio, there are specialist physios available,and the hospital even has a hydrotherapy pool, pilates classes and a sports massage therapist.

To find out about the Essex Bones and Joints Service call the treatment enquiry line :01277 265765 or the website :

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Body Talk 10/10/12

This evening we welcomed back Mr Ali Al-Sabti, one of the consultant orthopaedic surgeons at Spire Hartswood Hospital.

Ali specialises in shoulder problems. Apparently it’s the most mobile joint in the body, and one which we take for granted.

Certain people or occupations are more vulnerable to shoulder injuries, such as sports people (golfers, racquet sports, etc) decorators or cleaners, who are constantly working the shoulder joint in repetitive movements for long periods of time.

Shoulder pain can sometimes be an indication that there is a spinal problem. So Ali would give the shoulder a thorough examination and perhaps recommend a course of physiotharapy or anti inflammatories before resorting to surgery. However, todays keyhole surgery means quicker ecovery time, and the patients always say it was worth it.

There is now a new Essex Bones and Joint Service at Spire Hartswood. The hospital has brought together 22 consultants, including orthopaedic surgeons, a hand surgeon, neurosurgeons, pain specialists, neurologists and rheumatologists. By having all of these specialists most musclo-skeletalproblems can be treated, plus there is access to the MRI scanner.

If patients need surgery it can be arranged,but most won’t need it. If they need a physio, there are specialist physios available,and the hospital even has a hydrotherapy pool, pilates classes and a sports massage therapist.

To find out about the Essex Bones and Joints Service call the treatment enquiry line :01277 265765 or the website :

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