There may be a new health app available in the future to encourage people to adopt a healthier diet. There is an app for everything it seems these days as we all spend more and more time on our mobile devices. Scientists have thought up a great way to retrain our appetites and it’s through a brain training game.
Cravings for sweets, chocolates and crisps are dampened with the GoNoGo technique, so they claim. It works by teaching a person to press a button on healthy foods thus rewiring the brain to make healthier choices in real life. The government is under pressure to help people to lose weight, in the midst of our current obesity crisis, and this could be a viable option.
Despite the amount of information available on healthy eating, both in the media and online it seems that there are still many people who are unaware of the dangers of junk food and sugar in their diets, and the health implications, Type 2 diabetes being a prime example. If there is a fun way learn it may be possible to reach larger numbers of people without them having to go to classes or see a nutritionist,it could all be available on one little app.
It is still in the design stages, but keep an eye out for this one, hopefully it will be fun for kids as well as adults.