Love conquers all, so they say, but could being in love be bad for you?
You could be addicted to your partner in the same way as you can be addicted to drugs, food or alcohol! There are different signs that will tell if you are addicted to your partner. When the thrill of new love dies down, and the addiction sets in.
If you have to be with your partner constantly, this could be un unhealthy sign. If you annoy your friends to the extent that you have to be with them whatever the event, and it is invading your and their lives.
If you are regularly skipping work to see your partner, things could be getting out of control.
Maybe you are constantly buying presents for your partner or getting into debt because of them.
Time spent together should be enjoyable, if you don’t have other people or things in your life,things can become a little strained.
You may feel anxious when they’re not around, like when you go to bed at night,, or when you’re at work.
You should be able to enjoy time alone with your friends, and so should they, and if you can’t stop texting them while you’re out, that relationship may be unhealthy.
If you bump into their ex and get angry,if you pick fights about petty things, and if you feel ecstatic when you’re together and miserable when they’re apart all could be signs of addiction.
If the housework doesn’t get done and if you were used to be spending time with friends and family and now you never see them, it could be time to have a rethink.
Set boundaries and start to love yourself first, and don’t be afraid to seek professional help. If you have an addictive personality, it is easy to become addicted to anything at all. Watch out for the signs.