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Body Talk 6/5/18

Omega 3’s are essential fats that our bodies can’t make themselves,but are crucial for our heart and overall health. You can find them in flaxseeds and oily fish, poultry, omega 9 are found in cashews. Omega 7 can be found in salmon and anchovies, olive oil and macadamia.

News is just emerging as well that Sea Buckthorn is also a rich source of Omega 7.  The nutrients found in Sea Buckthorn oil is essential for the health of the mucus membranes, whose function is to keep our eyes, skin, mouth and intimate areas well lubricated.

They also have anti inflammatory effects, and could help to stave off hayfever. It’s great for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat fish oil.

It can help with dry eyes which affect about 30% of the population.

It is great for the skin as it helps with the production of collagen,and can help with psoriasis and eczema, and mouth ulcers.

It can alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and aid the production of saliva.

A diet rich in oily fish and green beans could help delay the menopause,but those who eat pasta and white rice and other refined carbohydrates could speed it up. Research has found that the natural age for menopause is 51, but those who ate green beans, peas, oily fish grapes and poultry delayed it for about a year, whereas those who were eating the refined carbohydrates started a year earlier.

So try to avoid, pasta, white rice, white bread, cakes and biscuits, not just for the menopause but for your health in general.


Body Talk 6/5/18

Omega 3’s are essential fats that our bodies can’t make themselves,but are crucial for our heart and overall health. You can find them in flaxseeds and oily fish, poultry, omega 9 are found in cashews. Omega 7 can be found in salmon and anchovies, olive oil and macadamia.

News is just emerging as well that Sea Buckthorn is also a rich source of Omega 7.  The nutrients found in Sea Buckthorn oil is essential for the health of the mucus membranes, whose function is to keep our eyes, skin, mouth and intimate areas well lubricated.

They also have anti inflammatory effects, and could help to stave off hayfever. It’s great for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat fish oil.

It can help with dry eyes which affect about 30% of the population.

It is great for the skin as it helps with the production of collagen,and can help with psoriasis and eczema, and mouth ulcers.

It can alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and aid the production of saliva.

A diet rich in oily fish and green beans could help delay the menopause,but those who eat pasta and white rice and other refined carbohydrates could speed it up. Research has found that the natural age for menopause is 51, but those who ate green beans, peas, oily fish grapes and poultry delayed it for about a year, whereas those who were eating the refined carbohydrates started a year earlier.

So try to avoid, pasta, white rice, white bread, cakes and biscuits, not just for the menopause but for your health in general.


Body Talk 6/5/18

Omega 3’s are essential fats that our bodies can’t make themselves,but are crucial for our heart and overall health. You can find them in flaxseeds and oily fish, poultry, omega 9 are found in cashews. Omega 7 can be found in salmon and anchovies, olive oil and macadamia.

News is just emerging as well that Sea Buckthorn is also a rich source of Omega 7.  The nutrients found in Sea Buckthorn oil is essential for the health of the mucus membranes, whose function is to keep our eyes, skin, mouth and intimate areas well lubricated.

They also have anti inflammatory effects, and could help to stave off hayfever. It’s great for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat fish oil.

It can help with dry eyes which affect about 30% of the population.

It is great for the skin as it helps with the production of collagen,and can help with psoriasis and eczema, and mouth ulcers.

It can alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and aid the production of saliva.

A diet rich in oily fish and green beans could help delay the menopause,but those who eat pasta and white rice and other refined carbohydrates could speed it up. Research has found that the natural age for menopause is 51, but those who ate green beans, peas, oily fish grapes and poultry delayed it for about a year, whereas those who were eating the refined carbohydrates started a year earlier.

So try to avoid, pasta, white rice, white bread, cakes and biscuits, not just for the menopause but for your health in general.


Body Talk 6/5/18

Omega 3’s are essential fats that our bodies can’t make themselves,but are crucial for our heart and overall health. You can find them in flaxseeds and oily fish, poultry, omega 9 are found in cashews. Omega 7 can be found in salmon and anchovies, olive oil and macadamia.

News is just emerging as well that Sea Buckthorn is also a rich source of Omega 7.  The nutrients found in Sea Buckthorn oil is essential for the health of the mucus membranes, whose function is to keep our eyes, skin, mouth and intimate areas well lubricated.

They also have anti inflammatory effects, and could help to stave off hayfever. It’s great for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat fish oil.

It can help with dry eyes which affect about 30% of the population.

It is great for the skin as it helps with the production of collagen,and can help with psoriasis and eczema, and mouth ulcers.

It can alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and aid the production of saliva.

A diet rich in oily fish and green beans could help delay the menopause,but those who eat pasta and white rice and other refined carbohydrates could speed it up. Research has found that the natural age for menopause is 51, but those who ate green beans, peas, oily fish grapes and poultry delayed it for about a year, whereas those who were eating the refined carbohydrates started a year earlier.

So try to avoid, pasta, white rice, white bread, cakes and biscuits, not just for the menopause but for your health in general.

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