Bright electric light in the evenings can suppress melatonin production in young children, which basically interrupts the circadian rhythm,or sleep wake cycle, which can result in poor quality sleep, and possibly other serious problems in the future. Although this research was done with fluorescent lighting, the researchers said it would also apply to the use of mobile phones, tablets etc, late into the evening.
Excess evening light is part of the light pollution problem that many of us experience these days,which can also be from things like street lighting too. One of the causes of depression can be linked to excess exposure to light, another being social isolation, and these could be the reasons that so many more teenagers are suffering with mental health issues.
Migraine affects approximately one in seven people,but a new self injected drug could be the answer for millions of sufferers. This drug blocks pain signals in the brain, and a test group halved their number of headaches. 25 million days are lost each year in this country due to migraines. There has been no real advancement in this area for more than 20 years, so this drug could be the start of changes in this area.
Back pain is also very common but many patients are wrongly prescribed painkillers or told to rest when a few simple stretches and gentle exercise could be the answer, this is more effective than painkillers,which can induce various different reactions, including gastric problems.So check out a therapeutic yoga or pilates class to help ease out your back and maybe even stop the pain naturally.