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Body Talk 20/7/16

What does your face say about your health? We are all aware that our face gives away our emotions but it can also give away a lot about your health. We are all subconsciously attracted to healthy faces, but what constitutes a healthy face?

Rosy red cheeks and lighter skin patches under the eyes is apparently the pinnacle of health,and gives a healthy appearance. Symptoms of depression can cause faces to be less socially desirable, but wearing make up greatly helps to mask an unhealthy look. Facial coloration is of the utmost importance, researchers found that people with lighter red or yellow skin is seen as the healthiest. Lighter skin is associated with the ability to absorb more vitamin D. Redder skin indicates better circulation. People with yellower skin tend to have healthier diets, also tanning helps to enhance the skin.

How healthy is your holiday diet? Probably not very as we do generally see a holiday as a time to let loose and eat and drink to our hearts content. However, when we get home and step on the scales, the heart is quite discontent as we realise the damage that has been done. It’s not easy to choose healthy options when we’re away but a little bit of thought into what we’re eating will go a long way. It is possible when visiting destinations such as Spain or Greece or any of the mediterranean resorts to opt for the healthy vegetables and plain fish and meats rather than those covered in oil and sauces. Go easy on the alcohol too as that contains many hidden calories and I’m sure your head will be grateful the next day!!

In other words the usual advice applies; don’t overdo it and you’ll come back from your holiday feeling healthy and refreshed.


Body Talk 20/7/16

What does your face say about your health? We are all aware that our face gives away our emotions but it can also give away a lot about your health. We are all subconsciously attracted to healthy faces, but what constitutes a healthy face?

Rosy red cheeks and lighter skin patches under the eyes is apparently the pinnacle of health,and gives a healthy appearance. Symptoms of depression can cause faces to be less socially desirable, but wearing make up greatly helps to mask an unhealthy look. Facial coloration is of the utmost importance, researchers found that people with lighter red or yellow skin is seen as the healthiest. Lighter skin is associated with the ability to absorb more vitamin D. Redder skin indicates better circulation. People with yellower skin tend to have healthier diets, also tanning helps to enhance the skin.

How healthy is your holiday diet? Probably not very as we do generally see a holiday as a time to let loose and eat and drink to our hearts content. However, when we get home and step on the scales, the heart is quite discontent as we realise the damage that has been done. It’s not easy to choose healthy options when we’re away but a little bit of thought into what we’re eating will go a long way. It is possible when visiting destinations such as Spain or Greece or any of the mediterranean resorts to opt for the healthy vegetables and plain fish and meats rather than those covered in oil and sauces. Go easy on the alcohol too as that contains many hidden calories and I’m sure your head will be grateful the next day!!

In other words the usual advice applies; don’t overdo it and you’ll come back from your holiday feeling healthy and refreshed.


Body Talk 20/7/16

What does your face say about your health? We are all aware that our face gives away our emotions but it can also give away a lot about your health. We are all subconsciously attracted to healthy faces, but what constitutes a healthy face?

Rosy red cheeks and lighter skin patches under the eyes is apparently the pinnacle of health,and gives a healthy appearance. Symptoms of depression can cause faces to be less socially desirable, but wearing make up greatly helps to mask an unhealthy look. Facial coloration is of the utmost importance, researchers found that people with lighter red or yellow skin is seen as the healthiest. Lighter skin is associated with the ability to absorb more vitamin D. Redder skin indicates better circulation. People with yellower skin tend to have healthier diets, also tanning helps to enhance the skin.

How healthy is your holiday diet? Probably not very as we do generally see a holiday as a time to let loose and eat and drink to our hearts content. However, when we get home and step on the scales, the heart is quite discontent as we realise the damage that has been done. It’s not easy to choose healthy options when we’re away but a little bit of thought into what we’re eating will go a long way. It is possible when visiting destinations such as Spain or Greece or any of the mediterranean resorts to opt for the healthy vegetables and plain fish and meats rather than those covered in oil and sauces. Go easy on the alcohol too as that contains many hidden calories and I’m sure your head will be grateful the next day!!

In other words the usual advice applies; don’t overdo it and you’ll come back from your holiday feeling healthy and refreshed.


Body Talk 20/7/16

What does your face say about your health? We are all aware that our face gives away our emotions but it can also give away a lot about your health. We are all subconsciously attracted to healthy faces, but what constitutes a healthy face?

Rosy red cheeks and lighter skin patches under the eyes is apparently the pinnacle of health,and gives a healthy appearance. Symptoms of depression can cause faces to be less socially desirable, but wearing make up greatly helps to mask an unhealthy look. Facial coloration is of the utmost importance, researchers found that people with lighter red or yellow skin is seen as the healthiest. Lighter skin is associated with the ability to absorb more vitamin D. Redder skin indicates better circulation. People with yellower skin tend to have healthier diets, also tanning helps to enhance the skin.

How healthy is your holiday diet? Probably not very as we do generally see a holiday as a time to let loose and eat and drink to our hearts content. However, when we get home and step on the scales, the heart is quite discontent as we realise the damage that has been done. It’s not easy to choose healthy options when we’re away but a little bit of thought into what we’re eating will go a long way. It is possible when visiting destinations such as Spain or Greece or any of the mediterranean resorts to opt for the healthy vegetables and plain fish and meats rather than those covered in oil and sauces. Go easy on the alcohol too as that contains many hidden calories and I’m sure your head will be grateful the next day!!

In other words the usual advice applies; don’t overdo it and you’ll come back from your holiday feeling healthy and refreshed.

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