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Body Talk 11/5/16

We always used to think of fat as the bad guy in food. We knew sugar was fattening but we didn’t realuy consider it’s effects on the body.

Now the fat theory has been turned on it’s head and we are now regarding sugar as the bad guy. There is new scientific research that would seem that sugar can be as addictive as cocaine!! It’s not all bad news though, it is possible to retrain your taste buds and wean yourself off. The health benefits are remarkable including increased energy levels, better sleep pattern and glowing skin to name but a few. Plus you’ll be protecting yourself from a range of serious health conditions.

A series of questions have been devised to determine whether people have serious addictions to drugs or alcohol and theses same questions are now being asked in regard to sugar. How do you rate your  addiction?

Do you have withdrawal symptoms or do you crave sugar?

When you start eating it do you find it difficult to stop?

Do you find it difficult to cut down on your sugar intake?

Do you spend a lot of time shopping for sugar?

You still eat sugar even though you know it’s bad for you and maybe associated health conditions such as diabetes?

Do you continue eating even if you’re not hungry?

The list is quite extensive but if you’re answering yes to a lot of these questions it may be worth considering cutting sugar out of your diet or weaning yourself off of it gradually. It really will be worth it in the long run!

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Body Talk 11/5/16

We always used to think of fat as the bad guy in food. We knew sugar was fattening but we didn’t realuy consider it’s effects on the body.

Now the fat theory has been turned on it’s head and we are now regarding sugar as the bad guy. There is new scientific research that would seem that sugar can be as addictive as cocaine!! It’s not all bad news though, it is possible to retrain your taste buds and wean yourself off. The health benefits are remarkable including increased energy levels, better sleep pattern and glowing skin to name but a few. Plus you’ll be protecting yourself from a range of serious health conditions.

A series of questions have been devised to determine whether people have serious addictions to drugs or alcohol and theses same questions are now being asked in regard to sugar. How do you rate your  addiction?

Do you have withdrawal symptoms or do you crave sugar?

When you start eating it do you find it difficult to stop?

Do you find it difficult to cut down on your sugar intake?

Do you spend a lot of time shopping for sugar?

You still eat sugar even though you know it’s bad for you and maybe associated health conditions such as diabetes?

Do you continue eating even if you’re not hungry?

The list is quite extensive but if you’re answering yes to a lot of these questions it may be worth considering cutting sugar out of your diet or weaning yourself off of it gradually. It really will be worth it in the long run!

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Body Talk 11/5/16

We always used to think of fat as the bad guy in food. We knew sugar was fattening but we didn’t realuy consider it’s effects on the body.

Now the fat theory has been turned on it’s head and we are now regarding sugar as the bad guy. There is new scientific research that would seem that sugar can be as addictive as cocaine!! It’s not all bad news though, it is possible to retrain your taste buds and wean yourself off. The health benefits are remarkable including increased energy levels, better sleep pattern and glowing skin to name but a few. Plus you’ll be protecting yourself from a range of serious health conditions.

A series of questions have been devised to determine whether people have serious addictions to drugs or alcohol and theses same questions are now being asked in regard to sugar. How do you rate your  addiction?

Do you have withdrawal symptoms or do you crave sugar?

When you start eating it do you find it difficult to stop?

Do you find it difficult to cut down on your sugar intake?

Do you spend a lot of time shopping for sugar?

You still eat sugar even though you know it’s bad for you and maybe associated health conditions such as diabetes?

Do you continue eating even if you’re not hungry?

The list is quite extensive but if you’re answering yes to a lot of these questions it may be worth considering cutting sugar out of your diet or weaning yourself off of it gradually. It really will be worth it in the long run!

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Body Talk 11/5/16

We always used to think of fat as the bad guy in food. We knew sugar was fattening but we didn’t realuy consider it’s effects on the body.

Now the fat theory has been turned on it’s head and we are now regarding sugar as the bad guy. There is new scientific research that would seem that sugar can be as addictive as cocaine!! It’s not all bad news though, it is possible to retrain your taste buds and wean yourself off. The health benefits are remarkable including increased energy levels, better sleep pattern and glowing skin to name but a few. Plus you’ll be protecting yourself from a range of serious health conditions.

A series of questions have been devised to determine whether people have serious addictions to drugs or alcohol and theses same questions are now being asked in regard to sugar. How do you rate your  addiction?

Do you have withdrawal symptoms or do you crave sugar?

When you start eating it do you find it difficult to stop?

Do you find it difficult to cut down on your sugar intake?

Do you spend a lot of time shopping for sugar?

You still eat sugar even though you know it’s bad for you and maybe associated health conditions such as diabetes?

Do you continue eating even if you’re not hungry?

The list is quite extensive but if you’re answering yes to a lot of these questions it may be worth considering cutting sugar out of your diet or weaning yourself off of it gradually. It really will be worth it in the long run!

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