Is your brain male or female? Yes scientists are now researching the differences between the brains of the sexes!! They really are different.
Apparently entirely male or female brains are extremely rare with most of us having a brain somewhere in between the two. Some men may be brilliant multi taskers and remember birthdays and there may be women who are great at parallel parking and obsessive stamp collectors, but they are the minority.
Scientists have now discovered that we are indeed two entirely different species. It isn’t to do with the way that we’re raised either. The development of the brain starts in the womb, and it’s to do with the way the nerve tissues connect the left and right brain.
Coming up to the festive there will be more than the average amount of alcohol consumed. But there is some good news for red wine drinkers. The resveratrol found in red wine may be able to contribute to the prevention of Alzheimers and dementia. Only in moderation though or I think it may have the opposite effect!!
Also good news for beer drinkers. New evidence suggest that dieting is all in the mind though!!it can apparently reduce the risk of heart attack. Before you guys start start cheering too loudly, it’s only for women. Doesn’t have the same effect in men I’m afraid.
It’s so difficult to avoid gaining those extra pounds at christmas so this probably isn’t a good time to think about starting a diet, but scientists now say that dieting is all in your mind. In other words if you resign yourself to the fact that you’ll put on weight you will!! Try a bit of positive thinking instead and will those pounds away. I’m sure this is more like eating with awareness instead of eating just because it’s there.
As always, everything in moderation.