At last it’s been proven by research. There is such a thing as comfort eating!! I think we all knew that anyway, but research has now proven that stress actually produces a chemical reaction that leaves us craving sugar. So the best way to combat this is to learn how to relax and cope more beneficially with the day to day issues that put us into that adrenalin fuelled state.
The best ways to do this are to exercise more and to meditate. It had also been proven that the Buddhist form of mindfulness meditation can help curb chocolate cravings, as it puts you into a place of awareness, allowing you to connect with the needs of your body rather than the desire for comfort which is short lived.
Marriage is apparently good for the heart too! No I wouldn’t recommend all of you singles going out and finding yourself a life partner, but it does have its benefits. Being in a long term relationship seems to make heart disease a less deadly condition for women. According to research they were les likely to die from because of it , and this was regardless of lifestyle or socioeconomic or other factors.
Did you know that you are more likely to lose weight on a Monday than a Saturday? it’s obvious if you think about it. the weekend is the time when most of us want to just chill out and reward ourselves for all of the hard effort we’ve put in during the week.
The VTT Centre in Finland discovered this fact when they monitored the weight of about 80 adults over the course of a year. Those who were losing weight had a greater variability between weekends and weekdays, whereas there was only a slight variance in those who were gaining weight.
So if you’re going to diet, start on a Monday and give yourself a positive start to the week!!!