My guest tonight was Ches Moulton. Ches is an inspirational speaker, therapist and coach. He specialises in working with people who suffer from stress and dysfunctional relationships. Ches is redefining people’s experience of what it means to have a healthy relationship with themselves and others and reshaping the way in which people view their environment. He’s known for providing lightbulb moments and leaves people feeling liberated and confident about their future.
Ches has just written a book about how to have and maintain healthy relatonships; called Choice and Change. It explains how we can alter our present reality by making different choices in the way we respond and react to people and situations in our lives. We all have choices, but sometimes we don’t realise they exist. Ches brings you face to face with the choices then you can decide if you want the change. At the end of each chapter there are helpful exercises and questions to aid you on your journey of transformation, concluding with a twelve step self help programme.
If you feel that you’d like to discuss issues that crop up or you need further help, Ches is available for one to one sessions, and he will also be giving a talk in London on 19th June.
To find out more you can look up Ches on facebook or his book is available on Amazon.