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Body Talk 3/4/13

Tonight my guest was Sarah Hurst from Rejuvenate Nutrition, talking about the new weight loss programme Zest4Life.

Sarah recently ran a 4 week trial of the new eating plan with great results. Most diets are based on counting calories and more recently on the GI or glycaemic index of food. This is designed more for individual needs; being based on the glycaemic  load. Roughly translated that is how quickly your body can convert the food into energy. If you are eating more quickly than your body converts the food, it will be stored as fat. It is a nutritionally balanced plan that embraces your needs. You also get the opportunity to discuss dietary issues either within the group or in private. Emotions play a big part in this, as well as taking into account the physical responses to certain foods.

Sarah is currently running groups locally and you can find out more on her Rejuvenate Nutrition website.


Body Talk 3/4/13

Tonight my guest was Sarah Hurst from Rejuvenate Nutrition, talking about the new weight loss programme Zest4Life.

Sarah recently ran a 4 week trial of the new eating plan with great results. Most diets are based on counting calories and more recently on the GI or glycaemic index of food. This is designed more for individual needs; being based on the glycaemic  load. Roughly translated that is how quickly your body can convert the food into energy. If you are eating more quickly than your body converts the food, it will be stored as fat. It is a nutritionally balanced plan that embraces your needs. You also get the opportunity to discuss dietary issues either within the group or in private. Emotions play a big part in this, as well as taking into account the physical responses to certain foods.

Sarah is currently running groups locally and you can find out more on her Rejuvenate Nutrition website.


Body Talk 3/4/13

Tonight my guest was Sarah Hurst from Rejuvenate Nutrition, talking about the new weight loss programme Zest4Life.

Sarah recently ran a 4 week trial of the new eating plan with great results. Most diets are based on counting calories and more recently on the GI or glycaemic index of food. This is designed more for individual needs; being based on the glycaemic  load. Roughly translated that is how quickly your body can convert the food into energy. If you are eating more quickly than your body converts the food, it will be stored as fat. It is a nutritionally balanced plan that embraces your needs. You also get the opportunity to discuss dietary issues either within the group or in private. Emotions play a big part in this, as well as taking into account the physical responses to certain foods.

Sarah is currently running groups locally and you can find out more on her Rejuvenate Nutrition website.


Body Talk 3/4/13

Tonight my guest was Sarah Hurst from Rejuvenate Nutrition, talking about the new weight loss programme Zest4Life.

Sarah recently ran a 4 week trial of the new eating plan with great results. Most diets are based on counting calories and more recently on the GI or glycaemic index of food. This is designed more for individual needs; being based on the glycaemic  load. Roughly translated that is how quickly your body can convert the food into energy. If you are eating more quickly than your body converts the food, it will be stored as fat. It is a nutritionally balanced plan that embraces your needs. You also get the opportunity to discuss dietary issues either within the group or in private. Emotions play a big part in this, as well as taking into account the physical responses to certain foods.

Sarah is currently running groups locally and you can find out more on her Rejuvenate Nutrition website.

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