Tonight’s guest was Mr AK Salih, consultant breast surgeon at Spire Hartswood Hospital. Although his first love is the care and treatment of women with breast disease or concerns, he is also a consultant general surgeon. This means he carries out operations such as hernia repair, gall bladder removal and keyhole surgery procedures for men and women.
As this day was the end of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we invited Mr Salih to talk about breast problems, including those that are not related to breast cancer, and what prevention startegies you can adopt to minimise your chances of acuiring breast cancer. Mr Salih has published papers on breast cancer treatment and has also completed research to improve the treatment of breast cancer, including sentinel node biopsy and breast cancer genetics.
Breast cancer is no lnger the killer disease that it used to be. there have been so many medical advancements. 85% of women now survive breast cancer for five years or more.
The main risk factors for cancer are obesity and the contraceptive pill. There are a variety of symptoms that can present themselves as a sign of cancer but are actually minor isssues that can be easily treated, so it’s always best to get any abnormalities checked out. Symptoms such as cysts, lumps, discharge, retracted nipple or just strange sensations. Only 5% of patients will actually be diagnosed with cancer.
Mr Salih runs a clinic on a Tuesday evening, and patients can have their tests done on the night, with some results available immediately.
The hospital offers out-patient breast clinics most days so patients don’t have to wait and can be assured that they will have plenty of time to discuss their worries.