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Body Talk 24/10/12

My guest this evening was Lois Shilton, Yoga Teacher. There are many different types of yoga and Lois teaches Iyengar yoga. This is a system of exercise using classical yoga postures  working on both strength and flexibility.

Lois first took to yoga after hearing that it could be beneficial for her asthma, and indeed it was. She dedicated herself to the regular practise of postures and breathing and started to notice a difference, and after a couple of years dedicated practise found that her asthma had improved considerably. A wonderful success story.

Now Lois is keen to share the benefits of yoga with everyone. She undertook the  three years of study that it takes to become an Iyengar teacher and is now qualified to teach and share her knowledge.

Lois teaches classes in the Chelmsford area, as well as working for Adult Community Learning. New classes and courses are coming up all of the time. Contact Lois for more details on :07960 399350.

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Body Talk 24/10/12

My guest this evening was Lois Shilton, Yoga Teacher. There are many different types of yoga and Lois teaches Iyengar yoga. This is a system of exercise using classical yoga postures  working on both strength and flexibility.

Lois first took to yoga after hearing that it could be beneficial for her asthma, and indeed it was. She dedicated herself to the regular practise of postures and breathing and started to notice a difference, and after a couple of years dedicated practise found that her asthma had improved considerably. A wonderful success story.

Now Lois is keen to share the benefits of yoga with everyone. She undertook the  three years of study that it takes to become an Iyengar teacher and is now qualified to teach and share her knowledge.

Lois teaches classes in the Chelmsford area, as well as working for Adult Community Learning. New classes and courses are coming up all of the time. Contact Lois for more details on :07960 399350.

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Body Talk 24/10/12

My guest this evening was Lois Shilton, Yoga Teacher. There are many different types of yoga and Lois teaches Iyengar yoga. This is a system of exercise using classical yoga postures  working on both strength and flexibility.

Lois first took to yoga after hearing that it could be beneficial for her asthma, and indeed it was. She dedicated herself to the regular practise of postures and breathing and started to notice a difference, and after a couple of years dedicated practise found that her asthma had improved considerably. A wonderful success story.

Now Lois is keen to share the benefits of yoga with everyone. She undertook the  three years of study that it takes to become an Iyengar teacher and is now qualified to teach and share her knowledge.

Lois teaches classes in the Chelmsford area, as well as working for Adult Community Learning. New classes and courses are coming up all of the time. Contact Lois for more details on :07960 399350.

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Body Talk 24/10/12

My guest this evening was Lois Shilton, Yoga Teacher. There are many different types of yoga and Lois teaches Iyengar yoga. This is a system of exercise using classical yoga postures  working on both strength and flexibility.

Lois first took to yoga after hearing that it could be beneficial for her asthma, and indeed it was. She dedicated herself to the regular practise of postures and breathing and started to notice a difference, and after a couple of years dedicated practise found that her asthma had improved considerably. A wonderful success story.

Now Lois is keen to share the benefits of yoga with everyone. She undertook the  three years of study that it takes to become an Iyengar teacher and is now qualified to teach and share her knowledge.

Lois teaches classes in the Chelmsford area, as well as working for Adult Community Learning. New classes and courses are coming up all of the time. Contact Lois for more details on :07960 399350.

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