Sometimes our diets go a bit too far, and we can get hooked . Eating disorders affect about 30 million Americans , and are mental illnesses, characterised by severe disruption to eating patterns. Full recovery is possible but it takes a long time. The causes can be many and varied; trauma, loss, illness, genetics are just a few, but whatever the cause it is sderious and often overlooked in today’s diet based culture.
The most imporytant action that a person can take on the road to recovery is to stop dieting. Food restriction and binging and purging are all too common in this disorder, so any kind of food regime is to be abandoned, and instead the focus turns to the reasons for the actions, and building self esteem.
It’s necessary to address the factors that maintain the disorders. It might include monitoring food intake and avoiding eating socially. It’s important to find different strategies around food and eating behaviours.
Continued concern for weight and shape is a safety behaviour that might indicate relapse, and asking about your size and shape and continually checking in the mirror.
Unconditional permission to eat is the exact opposite of an eating disorder. Food rules prompted study participants to over indulge.The freedom to eat when needed is an important part of trust and self care.
You have to learn to trust yourself and to respond to the signals that your body gives you.