Last night I got to see Deadpool 2, and let me say straight away I did it for you guys. Yes of course I wanted to see the film, however I have a bad case of ‘man flu’ at the moment (YES IT’S A REAL THING!) and yet I went anyway so I can review it for you guys… aren’t I amazing!?… ahem, lets continue.
If you have seen Deadpool, then this film is exactly what you’d expect. Deadpool 2 is more of the same. Now that’s not necessarily a bad thing, if you enjoyed Deadpool – which I did, and my expectations were entirely fulfilled in Deadpool 2. Lots of jokes, lots of over the top violence and lots of self awareness / 4th wall breaking. Its a good enough film, but it’s not amazing. But then again, I didn’t expect it to be.
First off, some things I didn’t like. If I’m being hyper critical, I thought Deadpool 2 overdoes the self awareness a bit… When it works (which to be fair is most of the time) it works very well. However more than once it seem to jar and actually slow the flow of the story line. The worse thing for me was how serious it was in places. It was very sad and dealt with some really heartbreaking things… I just don’t want that from Deadpool – but hey, maybe that’s just me.
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool is obviously perfectly cast. There’s nothing more I can say that hasn’t already been said. Like Robert Downy Jr is to Iron man, Ryan Reynolds is to Deadpool… He IS Deadpool. Zazie Beetz as Domino was a really good choice. She brings a lightness to both the humour and violence and seems to balance everything really well. If they make an X-Force film, she would be brilliant a s lead character.
The absolute run away Star though (and I’m not sorry to say he completely steels it from Ryan Reynolds) is Josh Brolin as Cable. Absolutely brilliant! They have really gone to the effort of making him look the part and doing the character research. He is a much needed dose of seriousness into the Deadpool insanity and he really anchors the whole thing together. I would absolutely love to see a Cable spin off. Something very dark and serious like a (decent) DC film. And Brolin could absolutely pull that off.
So is Deadpool 2, amazing, genius, revolutionary?… No – It isn’t. And it doesn’t try to be. But it is a very funny and very violent comedy/action/super hero film, and it’s a really good night out. If loved Deadpool, you’ll love this. But advanced warning for when it comes out to buy… it’s not for kids!
7/10 stars