Do you suffer with constant pain? Natural therapies such as yoga, Tai Chi and acupuncture can help in the relief of pain according to recent studies. Until now there has been a lack of evidence, but now a group of scientists have got together to give us irrefutable proof.
Many medications that are given may not relieve the pain as much as they used to, the body gets used to them over a period of time, and they can also produce unwanted side effects,so many people now are turning to non-drug approaches to manage their pain.
Acupuncture and yoga both showed promise for treating back pain. Tai Chi showed promise for osteoarthritis of the knee and massage therapy proved effective at treating neck pain. Relaxation techniques were shown to relieve headaches and migraine.
Coconut is being hailed as the current best superfood. It’s in everything everywhere it seems. Sales of all things coconutty are set to exceed sales of over £100K this year alone. Is it really that good?
Coconut milk is said to contain electrolytes that your body needs for healthy muscle function, but scientists argue that you should be able to get these same electrolytes fro eating normal healthy meals. There’s nothing in coconut water that you can’t get from other sources.
Beware of healthy coconut drinks that contain fruit juices as this can raise sugar levels through the roof.
Coconut oil is also popular. It is around 84% saturated fat, which is digested quickly and can give you an energy boost. However it is high in calories, so don’t overdo it.
It is also very good as a moisturiser and make up remover, and it can add gloss to hair and nails.
So be careful over coconut claims. Yes, it is good for you but so are a lot of other things. Balance, I think is the answer, and listen to your body’s reaction.