Can you balance on one leg? If not, get practising, it could help save your life!! A test was devised last year to determine life expectancy. That test was for a middle aged man to stand on one leg with his eyes closed for 30 seconds.If that test was successful, that man could expect to live till at least 66.
Now a new test has been devised which is a little less of a challenge. This time, balancing on one leg with the eyes open for 20 seconds. If you can do this one, it would indicate there is very little chance of dementia or stroke. The theory is that people who struggle to balance are more likely to have narrowing or obstruction of the arteries in the brain, which increases the chance of dementia or stroke.
Be careful of paying too much attention to the downloadable health apps. The latest report from leading doctors is that they can make us more stressed and are not necessarily that accurate, and aren’t able to tell you how to rectify whatever it is that’s wrong. Stick to the old fashioned methods, like making sure you get regular exercise,and have a good healthy diet.
How healthy are our health foods? Some of the foods that we consider better than junk foods could be doing more harm than good. A prime example are grains. If you are in the least bit gluten intolerant, even the healthiest grains can cause a problem. Barley, millet, oats and rice are some of the more common grains, but can cause an adverse reaction such as extreme tiredness, brain fog, dizziness, premenstrual problems, joint pain and headaches. Instead, try using buckwheat, which isn’t a wheat at all but a seed.