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sunrise 07:58, sunset 16:16
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Body Talk 12/1/14

Tonight my guests were Sharon Williams and Caroline Tichborne from Action For Family Carers.

 Carer Support Groups and drop-ins are run by a Carer Support and Development Worker and these groups provide emotional support, information and advice for Carers in an informal environment. Caring can be very isolating and  Support Groups offer Carers some time out to talk to other Carers, share their experiences and support one another. There may be times when you want to talk to someone who understands the pressures of being a Carer or you may want practical advice or support to help you cope. Tea, coffee, biscuits and a friendly face will always be available for anyone who needs information, emotional or practical support, or simply feels the need to have a chat.

A carer is someone, who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.

Caroline offers her services as an advocate or go between for those carers who need extra help in voicing their concerns and connecting with the right people. She also runs workshops that  look at effective ways of making a complaint to both public bodies such as social services or within the private sector. By focusing on what you would like to achieve effective complaining can be a very powerful tool to help you to get what you want.

There are many events running in Brentwood, such as monthly lunch get- togethers : workshops on manual handling and nutrition. A pamper day and of course a christmas party!!

To find out more call 01621 851640 or look on their website :



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Body Talk 12/1/14

Tonight my guests were Sharon Williams and Caroline Tichborne from Action For Family Carers.

 Carer Support Groups and drop-ins are run by a Carer Support and Development Worker and these groups provide emotional support, information and advice for Carers in an informal environment. Caring can be very isolating and  Support Groups offer Carers some time out to talk to other Carers, share their experiences and support one another. There may be times when you want to talk to someone who understands the pressures of being a Carer or you may want practical advice or support to help you cope. Tea, coffee, biscuits and a friendly face will always be available for anyone who needs information, emotional or practical support, or simply feels the need to have a chat.

A carer is someone, who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.

Caroline offers her services as an advocate or go between for those carers who need extra help in voicing their concerns and connecting with the right people. She also runs workshops that  look at effective ways of making a complaint to both public bodies such as social services or within the private sector. By focusing on what you would like to achieve effective complaining can be a very powerful tool to help you to get what you want.

There are many events running in Brentwood, such as monthly lunch get- togethers : workshops on manual handling and nutrition. A pamper day and of course a christmas party!!

To find out more call 01621 851640 or look on their website :



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Body Talk 12/1/14

Tonight my guests were Sharon Williams and Caroline Tichborne from Action For Family Carers.

 Carer Support Groups and drop-ins are run by a Carer Support and Development Worker and these groups provide emotional support, information and advice for Carers in an informal environment. Caring can be very isolating and  Support Groups offer Carers some time out to talk to other Carers, share their experiences and support one another. There may be times when you want to talk to someone who understands the pressures of being a Carer or you may want practical advice or support to help you cope. Tea, coffee, biscuits and a friendly face will always be available for anyone who needs information, emotional or practical support, or simply feels the need to have a chat.

A carer is someone, who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.

Caroline offers her services as an advocate or go between for those carers who need extra help in voicing their concerns and connecting with the right people. She also runs workshops that  look at effective ways of making a complaint to both public bodies such as social services or within the private sector. By focusing on what you would like to achieve effective complaining can be a very powerful tool to help you to get what you want.

There are many events running in Brentwood, such as monthly lunch get- togethers : workshops on manual handling and nutrition. A pamper day and of course a christmas party!!

To find out more call 01621 851640 or look on their website :



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Body Talk 12/1/14

Tonight my guests were Sharon Williams and Caroline Tichborne from Action For Family Carers.

 Carer Support Groups and drop-ins are run by a Carer Support and Development Worker and these groups provide emotional support, information and advice for Carers in an informal environment. Caring can be very isolating and  Support Groups offer Carers some time out to talk to other Carers, share their experiences and support one another. There may be times when you want to talk to someone who understands the pressures of being a Carer or you may want practical advice or support to help you cope. Tea, coffee, biscuits and a friendly face will always be available for anyone who needs information, emotional or practical support, or simply feels the need to have a chat.

A carer is someone, who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.

Caroline offers her services as an advocate or go between for those carers who need extra help in voicing their concerns and connecting with the right people. She also runs workshops that  look at effective ways of making a complaint to both public bodies such as social services or within the private sector. By focusing on what you would like to achieve effective complaining can be a very powerful tool to help you to get what you want.

There are many events running in Brentwood, such as monthly lunch get- togethers : workshops on manual handling and nutrition. A pamper day and of course a christmas party!!

To find out more call 01621 851640 or look on their website :



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