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Body Talk 5/2/14

Joining me this evening on the show was Mr Aman Bhargava, Consultant General Surgeon at Spire Hartswood Hospital. Mr Bharghava has broad general surgical training in both open and laparoscopic  surgery. He was talking this evening about hernias.

General surgery encompasses abdominal surgery and also skin, breast, soft tissue and hernias. Hernias are very common. Mr Bharghava performs about two hernia procedures each day, and over the years has performed hundreds.

Hernias are tears in the muscles which allow the inner organs to protrude. they can happen around the abdominal area and more commonly in the groin. They can be caused by lifting heavy objects or heavy coughing or pregnancy. People who smoke or are overweight or those who train intensely in the gym are most susceptible to hernias.

The only way to get rid of a hernia is to operate. With todays advanced methods the surgery is minimal, and the recovery is normally within a week or ten days.

If you are worried about a possible hernia then book an appointment at Spire Hartswood, or visit the Spire website to find out more.


Body Talk 5/2/14

Joining me this evening on the show was Mr Aman Bhargava, Consultant General Surgeon at Spire Hartswood Hospital. Mr Bharghava has broad general surgical training in both open and laparoscopic  surgery. He was talking this evening about hernias.

General surgery encompasses abdominal surgery and also skin, breast, soft tissue and hernias. Hernias are very common. Mr Bharghava performs about two hernia procedures each day, and over the years has performed hundreds.

Hernias are tears in the muscles which allow the inner organs to protrude. they can happen around the abdominal area and more commonly in the groin. They can be caused by lifting heavy objects or heavy coughing or pregnancy. People who smoke or are overweight or those who train intensely in the gym are most susceptible to hernias.

The only way to get rid of a hernia is to operate. With todays advanced methods the surgery is minimal, and the recovery is normally within a week or ten days.

If you are worried about a possible hernia then book an appointment at Spire Hartswood, or visit the Spire website to find out more.


Body Talk 5/2/14

Joining me this evening on the show was Mr Aman Bhargava, Consultant General Surgeon at Spire Hartswood Hospital. Mr Bharghava has broad general surgical training in both open and laparoscopic  surgery. He was talking this evening about hernias.

General surgery encompasses abdominal surgery and also skin, breast, soft tissue and hernias. Hernias are very common. Mr Bharghava performs about two hernia procedures each day, and over the years has performed hundreds.

Hernias are tears in the muscles which allow the inner organs to protrude. they can happen around the abdominal area and more commonly in the groin. They can be caused by lifting heavy objects or heavy coughing or pregnancy. People who smoke or are overweight or those who train intensely in the gym are most susceptible to hernias.

The only way to get rid of a hernia is to operate. With todays advanced methods the surgery is minimal, and the recovery is normally within a week or ten days.

If you are worried about a possible hernia then book an appointment at Spire Hartswood, or visit the Spire website to find out more.


Body Talk 5/2/14

Joining me this evening on the show was Mr Aman Bhargava, Consultant General Surgeon at Spire Hartswood Hospital. Mr Bharghava has broad general surgical training in both open and laparoscopic  surgery. He was talking this evening about hernias.

General surgery encompasses abdominal surgery and also skin, breast, soft tissue and hernias. Hernias are very common. Mr Bharghava performs about two hernia procedures each day, and over the years has performed hundreds.

Hernias are tears in the muscles which allow the inner organs to protrude. they can happen around the abdominal area and more commonly in the groin. They can be caused by lifting heavy objects or heavy coughing or pregnancy. People who smoke or are overweight or those who train intensely in the gym are most susceptible to hernias.

The only way to get rid of a hernia is to operate. With todays advanced methods the surgery is minimal, and the recovery is normally within a week or ten days.

If you are worried about a possible hernia then book an appointment at Spire Hartswood, or visit the Spire website to find out more.

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