Tonight’s guest was oculoplastic surgeon Sabrina Shah-Desai from Spire Hartswood Hospital. Sabrina was talking about the specialist work she does for patients with a condition called dry eye.This is when the eye doesn’t produce enough liquid or tears to keep the eye moist. It can happen to anyone, but mostly affects people over 60, and mainly women. It can be treated with eye drops, but if left untreated it may need to be operated on.
Sabrina also specialises in cosmetic surgery for the eyelids. Eyelid surgery is the second most popular cosmetic operation after breast augmentation. This is probably because it is a relatively small procedure but has a dramatic impact on looks. People often think that it is the lower lids that are baggy, but often it’s the upper lid that needs the most treatment. Sabrina’s expertise can take years off aging and droopy eyes, to restore that youthful bright-eyed look.
There are alternatives to surgery. Botox is still popular but has come a long way in the past few years. Rather than the permanently startled look , it can look much more natural. Obviously we’d all like to avoid any surgery but unfortunately we can’t stop the aging process. We can help by adopting a healthy lifestyle and keeping your skin moisturised. Expensive eye creams unfortunately won’t make much difference on their own.