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Body Talk 12/6/12

Coming up to Christmas we need to stay as healthy as possible and try to avoid those christmas hangovers.

Eating asparagus is supposed to help. A study found that extracts from the shoots and leaves increases enzymes that break down alcohol, which means less of a hangover!!c

Avoid champagne. A study found that people had higher levels of alcohol in their blood after drinking champagne. The bubbles speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream. If you drink spirits, avoid the darker ones like brandy as the have a higher number of impurities called congeners, which cause the painful after effects.

The morning after, don’t go for a big fry up. Toast and honey is better. The Royal Society of Chemistry says that fructose in honey helps to break down the alcohol. Eat it on toast and you’ll be getting some much needed sodium and potassium as well.


Body Talk 12/6/12

Coming up to Christmas we need to stay as healthy as possible and try to avoid those christmas hangovers.

Eating asparagus is supposed to help. A study found that extracts from the shoots and leaves increases enzymes that break down alcohol, which means less of a hangover!!c

Avoid champagne. A study found that people had higher levels of alcohol in their blood after drinking champagne. The bubbles speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream. If you drink spirits, avoid the darker ones like brandy as the have a higher number of impurities called congeners, which cause the painful after effects.

The morning after, don’t go for a big fry up. Toast and honey is better. The Royal Society of Chemistry says that fructose in honey helps to break down the alcohol. Eat it on toast and you’ll be getting some much needed sodium and potassium as well.


Body Talk 12/6/12

Coming up to Christmas we need to stay as healthy as possible and try to avoid those christmas hangovers.

Eating asparagus is supposed to help. A study found that extracts from the shoots and leaves increases enzymes that break down alcohol, which means less of a hangover!!c

Avoid champagne. A study found that people had higher levels of alcohol in their blood after drinking champagne. The bubbles speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream. If you drink spirits, avoid the darker ones like brandy as the have a higher number of impurities called congeners, which cause the painful after effects.

The morning after, don’t go for a big fry up. Toast and honey is better. The Royal Society of Chemistry says that fructose in honey helps to break down the alcohol. Eat it on toast and you’ll be getting some much needed sodium and potassium as well.


Body Talk 12/6/12

Coming up to Christmas we need to stay as healthy as possible and try to avoid those christmas hangovers.

Eating asparagus is supposed to help. A study found that extracts from the shoots and leaves increases enzymes that break down alcohol, which means less of a hangover!!c

Avoid champagne. A study found that people had higher levels of alcohol in their blood after drinking champagne. The bubbles speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream. If you drink spirits, avoid the darker ones like brandy as the have a higher number of impurities called congeners, which cause the painful after effects.

The morning after, don’t go for a big fry up. Toast and honey is better. The Royal Society of Chemistry says that fructose in honey helps to break down the alcohol. Eat it on toast and you’ll be getting some much needed sodium and potassium as well.

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