Hints and tips on a few quick fixes to keep you going when there’s no time to rest.
For puffy late night party eyes, try placing a slice of avocado over each eye for a few minutes just after you’ve woken up. The coolness of the fruit helps to reduce the puffiness.
Had too much coffee? drink water to get you rehydrated. It’s well known that coffe is a diuretic , and whilst one or two may give you that power charged caffeine shot, too much will have the opposite effect and leave you feeling tired and unable to concentrate. For each cup of coffee, drink a glass of watre.
overindulged in lcohol/ try eaing some fructose or fruit sugar before you go to bed. Sugar speeds up the rate at which your body disposes of alcohol. A couple of spoonfuls of honey should do the trick and allow you to have a peaceful sleep and hopefully avoid that dreaded hangover.
Know of any more helpful quick fixes?