Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
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Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You (feat. Jermaine Dupri & Lil Bow Wow)
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The Arts Programme – 21

Claire Gevaux interviews singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi while Rob talks to Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney. There’s a top ten of audiobooks to recommend, and a review of an online photography exhibition.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 21
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Essex born singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi

Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney

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The Arts Programme – 21

Claire Gevaux interviews singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi while Rob talks to Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney. There’s a top ten of audiobooks to recommend, and a review of an online photography exhibition.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 21
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Essex born singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi

Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney

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The Arts Programme – 21

Claire Gevaux interviews singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi while Rob talks to Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney. There’s a top ten of audiobooks to recommend, and a review of an online photography exhibition.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 21
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Essex born singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi

Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney

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The Arts Programme – 21

Claire Gevaux interviews singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi while Rob talks to Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney. There’s a top ten of audiobooks to recommend, and a review of an online photography exhibition.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 21
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Essex born singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi

Festival Stage Production Manager Steve Cheney

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