Brentwood: currently 6°C, light showers
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
Now playing:
Radiohead - Karma Police
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The Arts Programme – 207 – Immerse Yourself.

This weeks show theme was Immerse as we interviewed the fabuous Amber Jarman Crainey about her upcoming immersive experience ‘Bound’ which explores journeys through loss shared through music memories and movement. Coming up in August.

In theme, we also gave a run down of national news and events happening locally where you could experience art in an immersive way.  We also spoke about some of the immersive artworks Claire saw this weekend in London.

There was also a playlist of songs that are said to be the most immersive to experience. Including music from the new ‘Guys and Dolls’ production playing in London currently and a little fairytale from Queen.

Listen again to The Arts Programme with Natalie and Claire.

Find out more about, and how to buy tickets to experience BOUND here.

BOUND performance Amber Jarman Crainey

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme - 207 - Immerse Yourself.
The Arts Programme
Claire Gevaux and Natalie Bays
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Jo Bailey
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The Arts Programme – 207 – Immerse Yourself.

This weeks show theme was Immerse as we interviewed the fabuous Amber Jarman Crainey about her upcoming immersive experience ‘Bound’ which explores journeys through loss shared through music memories and movement. Coming up in August.

In theme, we also gave a run down of national news and events happening locally where you could experience art in an immersive way.  We also spoke about some of the immersive artworks Claire saw this weekend in London.

There was also a playlist of songs that are said to be the most immersive to experience. Including music from the new ‘Guys and Dolls’ production playing in London currently and a little fairytale from Queen.

Listen again to The Arts Programme with Natalie and Claire.

Find out more about, and how to buy tickets to experience BOUND here.

BOUND performance Amber Jarman Crainey

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme - 207 - Immerse Yourself.
The Arts Programme
Claire Gevaux and Natalie Bays
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Now on air
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Jo Bailey
More from The Arts Programme
More from Phoenix FM

The Arts Programme – 207 – Immerse Yourself.

This weeks show theme was Immerse as we interviewed the fabuous Amber Jarman Crainey about her upcoming immersive experience ‘Bound’ which explores journeys through loss shared through music memories and movement. Coming up in August.

In theme, we also gave a run down of national news and events happening locally where you could experience art in an immersive way.  We also spoke about some of the immersive artworks Claire saw this weekend in London.

There was also a playlist of songs that are said to be the most immersive to experience. Including music from the new ‘Guys and Dolls’ production playing in London currently and a little fairytale from Queen.

Listen again to The Arts Programme with Natalie and Claire.

Find out more about, and how to buy tickets to experience BOUND here.

BOUND performance Amber Jarman Crainey

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme - 207 - Immerse Yourself.
The Arts Programme
Claire Gevaux and Natalie Bays
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Now on air
Coming up

Jo Bailey
More from The Arts Programme
More from Phoenix FM

The Arts Programme – 207 – Immerse Yourself.

This weeks show theme was Immerse as we interviewed the fabuous Amber Jarman Crainey about her upcoming immersive experience ‘Bound’ which explores journeys through loss shared through music memories and movement. Coming up in August.

In theme, we also gave a run down of national news and events happening locally where you could experience art in an immersive way.  We also spoke about some of the immersive artworks Claire saw this weekend in London.

There was also a playlist of songs that are said to be the most immersive to experience. Including music from the new ‘Guys and Dolls’ production playing in London currently and a little fairytale from Queen.

Listen again to The Arts Programme with Natalie and Claire.

Find out more about, and how to buy tickets to experience BOUND here.

BOUND performance Amber Jarman Crainey

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme - 207 - Immerse Yourself.
The Arts Programme
Claire Gevaux and Natalie Bays
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One a month, no spam, honest

Now on air
Coming up

Jo Bailey
More from The Arts Programme
More from Phoenix FM