How to say happy on a diet, a very difficult state of mind to achieve. But scientists have now proved that the food we eat can make us happy or depressed. Omega 3 fish oils are essential for keeping our spirits up, and changing from a high fat to a low fat diet can make all the difference too.
Your mood can also affect the types of food you are drawn to, so if you’re feeling sad you’re more likely to want something sweet and sugary,
The foods you eat can influence your mood by activating the brain to manufacture more of the feel good chemical serotonin. If you have low levels of vitamin B1 you are more likely to feel depressed than if the levels are higher. Increasing intake of this vitamin can lead to a marked improvement in mood and self confidence. Correcting low levels of riboflavin, B2 and selenium can also have a positive effect on your mood.
Aside from supplementing your diet with these things, it is important to avoid alcohol as it acts as a sedative on your brain and inhibits the production of serotonin. So it may make you feel good while you’re drinking but afterwards, I think we all know that feeling. Instead turn to bananas, they work most favourably with their mood boosting vitamins.
So look for the mood boosting foods when you start your next diet, it may just help you stay on track.