Those healthy fitness bars may not be as good for you as you think!! In studies it showed that we are likely to exercise less and eat more of the particular branded fitness foods, resulting in weight gain and not loss!! It’s simple maths, you need to take in less fuel than you are using up in order to lose weight. Apparently one pound of body weight is equivalent to working off 3,500 calories. That’s a significant amount, so don’t worry if it doesn’t come off all at once.
Exercise is good for you, but you won’t lose weight by exercise alone, unfortunately.
Stay healthier for longer by following a few simple guidelines. Eat plenty of fruit and veg, avoid trans fats and don’t stop learning. Yes, you need to exercise your brain as well as the rest of your body. We lose brain cells as we age, so the brain shrinks, but in research done on London cab drivers, their brains actually are bigger than normal and scientists put this down to the fact that they are constantly learning and updating their knowledge of the roads in London. So start learning something new, or maybe even become a cab driver!!
Will clicking your knuckles give you arthritis? No, but it can weaken your joints as your stretching the ligaments.
Don’t hit the snooze button in the morning. Apparently this can send you into an even deeper sleep which isn’t good for your health. Have you experienced that really deep sleep that happens for no apparent reason just before you’re supposed to wake up? Then when you do wake up you feel terrible. That’s the snooze effect. Try to go to bed earlier and regulate your sleeping pattern so you can wake up naturally in the morning.
Talking of sleep, is traffic noise keeping you awake at night? If so it’s been proven that it is bad for your health. Try blocking out the noise by either wearing headphones to play soothing music, then ear plugs to block out the sound completely.
Aim to get around seven or eight hours of good quality sleep, and you’ll stay healthier for longer.