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Body Talk 21/8/19

Sugar has had a really bad press lately and we do need to cut down on our sugar intake, but with the governments latest plans to help us all reduce the sugar load, some of the more traditional sweet treats may soon be disappearing from the sweet shop shelves.

Sherbet Lemons, Liquorice Allsorts and Parma Violets could all be forced out because of their high sugar content. Sweets should be cut from 100% sugar to just 50% sugar, but that will be nearly impossible for most sweet treats which may become extinct as a result. For most items sugar and calories need to be reduced by 20%.

Boiled sweets contain 93%  sugar on average, but attempts to reproduce the flavours with sweeteners have failed, resulting in tastelessness and laxative effects. Fudge also comes under scrutiny as sugar should not be replaced with fat, which are the two main ingredients: sugar, butter and cream.

The main motivation for the changes is that the general public are not able to make informed decisions about their food intake.,which seems a little harsh but on the other hand it is a well known fact that sugar is an addictive substance and can leave individuals spiralling out of control with their addiction, leading to many health problems including diabetes, the lifestyle disease.

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Body Talk 21/8/19

Sugar has had a really bad press lately and we do need to cut down on our sugar intake, but with the governments latest plans to help us all reduce the sugar load, some of the more traditional sweet treats may soon be disappearing from the sweet shop shelves.

Sherbet Lemons, Liquorice Allsorts and Parma Violets could all be forced out because of their high sugar content. Sweets should be cut from 100% sugar to just 50% sugar, but that will be nearly impossible for most sweet treats which may become extinct as a result. For most items sugar and calories need to be reduced by 20%.

Boiled sweets contain 93%  sugar on average, but attempts to reproduce the flavours with sweeteners have failed, resulting in tastelessness and laxative effects. Fudge also comes under scrutiny as sugar should not be replaced with fat, which are the two main ingredients: sugar, butter and cream.

The main motivation for the changes is that the general public are not able to make informed decisions about their food intake.,which seems a little harsh but on the other hand it is a well known fact that sugar is an addictive substance and can leave individuals spiralling out of control with their addiction, leading to many health problems including diabetes, the lifestyle disease.

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Body Talk 21/8/19

Sugar has had a really bad press lately and we do need to cut down on our sugar intake, but with the governments latest plans to help us all reduce the sugar load, some of the more traditional sweet treats may soon be disappearing from the sweet shop shelves.

Sherbet Lemons, Liquorice Allsorts and Parma Violets could all be forced out because of their high sugar content. Sweets should be cut from 100% sugar to just 50% sugar, but that will be nearly impossible for most sweet treats which may become extinct as a result. For most items sugar and calories need to be reduced by 20%.

Boiled sweets contain 93%  sugar on average, but attempts to reproduce the flavours with sweeteners have failed, resulting in tastelessness and laxative effects. Fudge also comes under scrutiny as sugar should not be replaced with fat, which are the two main ingredients: sugar, butter and cream.

The main motivation for the changes is that the general public are not able to make informed decisions about their food intake.,which seems a little harsh but on the other hand it is a well known fact that sugar is an addictive substance and can leave individuals spiralling out of control with their addiction, leading to many health problems including diabetes, the lifestyle disease.

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Body Talk 21/8/19

Sugar has had a really bad press lately and we do need to cut down on our sugar intake, but with the governments latest plans to help us all reduce the sugar load, some of the more traditional sweet treats may soon be disappearing from the sweet shop shelves.

Sherbet Lemons, Liquorice Allsorts and Parma Violets could all be forced out because of their high sugar content. Sweets should be cut from 100% sugar to just 50% sugar, but that will be nearly impossible for most sweet treats which may become extinct as a result. For most items sugar and calories need to be reduced by 20%.

Boiled sweets contain 93%  sugar on average, but attempts to reproduce the flavours with sweeteners have failed, resulting in tastelessness and laxative effects. Fudge also comes under scrutiny as sugar should not be replaced with fat, which are the two main ingredients: sugar, butter and cream.

The main motivation for the changes is that the general public are not able to make informed decisions about their food intake.,which seems a little harsh but on the other hand it is a well known fact that sugar is an addictive substance and can leave individuals spiralling out of control with their addiction, leading to many health problems including diabetes, the lifestyle disease.

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