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Body Talk 12/3/14

Try and get some of those toxins out of your system and out of your environment. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are commonly found all around us on a daily basis. They can be in tap water, food, dental fillings, old paint, medications, kitchenware, cosmetics and toiletries.

Symptoms of over exposure are nausea, vomiting, headaches and convulsions. Longer term problems can be linked to reproductive issues and IQ levels. The body normally copes quite well in ridding itself of these toxins, but continual exposure can lead to a physical overload that the body can’t cope with.

To minimise your exposure consider getting getting your old mercury dental fillings removed. Stop smoking. Avoid high risk foods such as shellfish, coastal and inland freshwater fish, deep sea fish like tuna or swordfish, intensively farmed meat, vegetables and ffuit sprayed with pesticides, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine.

Look out for heavy metals in household products and limit their use or find safer alternatives.

Use filtered water.

The freshwater alga Chlorella is good for removing toxins from the body, and so is the more common herb coriander.

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Body Talk 12/3/14

Try and get some of those toxins out of your system and out of your environment. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are commonly found all around us on a daily basis. They can be in tap water, food, dental fillings, old paint, medications, kitchenware, cosmetics and toiletries.

Symptoms of over exposure are nausea, vomiting, headaches and convulsions. Longer term problems can be linked to reproductive issues and IQ levels. The body normally copes quite well in ridding itself of these toxins, but continual exposure can lead to a physical overload that the body can’t cope with.

To minimise your exposure consider getting getting your old mercury dental fillings removed. Stop smoking. Avoid high risk foods such as shellfish, coastal and inland freshwater fish, deep sea fish like tuna or swordfish, intensively farmed meat, vegetables and ffuit sprayed with pesticides, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine.

Look out for heavy metals in household products and limit their use or find safer alternatives.

Use filtered water.

The freshwater alga Chlorella is good for removing toxins from the body, and so is the more common herb coriander.

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Body Talk 12/3/14

Try and get some of those toxins out of your system and out of your environment. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are commonly found all around us on a daily basis. They can be in tap water, food, dental fillings, old paint, medications, kitchenware, cosmetics and toiletries.

Symptoms of over exposure are nausea, vomiting, headaches and convulsions. Longer term problems can be linked to reproductive issues and IQ levels. The body normally copes quite well in ridding itself of these toxins, but continual exposure can lead to a physical overload that the body can’t cope with.

To minimise your exposure consider getting getting your old mercury dental fillings removed. Stop smoking. Avoid high risk foods such as shellfish, coastal and inland freshwater fish, deep sea fish like tuna or swordfish, intensively farmed meat, vegetables and ffuit sprayed with pesticides, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine.

Look out for heavy metals in household products and limit their use or find safer alternatives.

Use filtered water.

The freshwater alga Chlorella is good for removing toxins from the body, and so is the more common herb coriander.

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Body Talk 12/3/14

Try and get some of those toxins out of your system and out of your environment. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are commonly found all around us on a daily basis. They can be in tap water, food, dental fillings, old paint, medications, kitchenware, cosmetics and toiletries.

Symptoms of over exposure are nausea, vomiting, headaches and convulsions. Longer term problems can be linked to reproductive issues and IQ levels. The body normally copes quite well in ridding itself of these toxins, but continual exposure can lead to a physical overload that the body can’t cope with.

To minimise your exposure consider getting getting your old mercury dental fillings removed. Stop smoking. Avoid high risk foods such as shellfish, coastal and inland freshwater fish, deep sea fish like tuna or swordfish, intensively farmed meat, vegetables and ffuit sprayed with pesticides, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine.

Look out for heavy metals in household products and limit their use or find safer alternatives.

Use filtered water.

The freshwater alga Chlorella is good for removing toxins from the body, and so is the more common herb coriander.

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