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high today 6°C, low tonight 4°C
sunrise 07:55, sunset 15:49
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Astrophotography made simple …

Nik Szymanek is an Essex-based amateur astronomer and prolific astrophotographer, well known for his deep sky images and contributions to education and public outreach.

Nik came in to the breakfast show today to have a chat about what he does and how he does it. Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Nik Szymanek 23.01.2013]

Nik recommends the following websites for people wanting to learn more:

Heavens Above – accurate information about satellites in your location

The World At Night – stunning nightscape photos

Astronomy Picture Of The Day – from the NASA website

If you want to see some of the amazing photos Nik has taken then head on over to his website at>.

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Astrophotography made simple …

Nik Szymanek is an Essex-based amateur astronomer and prolific astrophotographer, well known for his deep sky images and contributions to education and public outreach.

Nik came in to the breakfast show today to have a chat about what he does and how he does it. Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Nik Szymanek 23.01.2013]

Nik recommends the following websites for people wanting to learn more:

Heavens Above – accurate information about satellites in your location

The World At Night – stunning nightscape photos

Astronomy Picture Of The Day – from the NASA website

If you want to see some of the amazing photos Nik has taken then head on over to his website at>.

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Astrophotography made simple …

Nik Szymanek is an Essex-based amateur astronomer and prolific astrophotographer, well known for his deep sky images and contributions to education and public outreach.

Nik came in to the breakfast show today to have a chat about what he does and how he does it. Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Nik Szymanek 23.01.2013]

Nik recommends the following websites for people wanting to learn more:

Heavens Above – accurate information about satellites in your location

The World At Night – stunning nightscape photos

Astronomy Picture Of The Day – from the NASA website

If you want to see some of the amazing photos Nik has taken then head on over to his website at>.

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Astrophotography made simple …

Nik Szymanek is an Essex-based amateur astronomer and prolific astrophotographer, well known for his deep sky images and contributions to education and public outreach.

Nik came in to the breakfast show today to have a chat about what he does and how he does it. Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Nik Szymanek 23.01.2013]

Nik recommends the following websites for people wanting to learn more:

Heavens Above – accurate information about satellites in your location

The World At Night – stunning nightscape photos

Astronomy Picture Of The Day – from the NASA website

If you want to see some of the amazing photos Nik has taken then head on over to his website at>.

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