Draw a picture of a Bird Day
“thats a long hashtag”
I can’t draw at all, I even have a problem with drawing matchstick people!
You may think this is a new day that someone just made up?
In fact, it goes back to the World War ll. There’s a lovely story to this, also a little sad…..
A wounded soldier was visited by his 7 year old niece called Dorie, whilst she was there she thought if she’d ask him to draw her a bird, as she thought it may just cheer him up.
By all accounts the picture was dreadful, yet it did make both Dorie and her uncle laugh….
He shared the story amongst the other soldiers and it caught on with the patients & Nurses.
“Here comes the sad part” Tragically little A couple of years later, little Dorie died in a car accident.
At her funeral many bird pictures were sent and displayed
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day is actually celebrated on Dories Birthday..
So, draw a picture of a bird or have a look online at some pics of your local birds that may appear in your garden.
Go on, pick up a pencil and give it a go.
My 4 @ 4.30 were all songs with Birds in the title
Bob Marley – 1980 – No 17 three little birds
Prince – 1984 – No 4 When Doves Cry
Birdy – 2013 No 8 – WINGS
Nelly Furtado – 2000 – ‘perched at No 5 – Fly Like A Bird
Do you have a theme for our 4 @ 4.30?