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sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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Alya Live session + Alyas & Romels Latest track and we hear about time spent on the set of Barbie

Alya sings live at the studio and tells us about the song she wrote for a movie, writing songs in different languages, her time on the set of the film Barbie
How Anya’s & Romel’s collaboration came about for their first single together ‘Give Me Your Time’ and about Slic Vic producing the single

Alya Website

Romel’s website

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Live Alya Elouissi & Romel
Jo Bailey

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Alya Live session + Alyas & Romels Latest track and we hear about time spent on the set of Barbie

Alya sings live at the studio and tells us about the song she wrote for a movie, writing songs in different languages, her time on the set of the film Barbie
How Anya’s & Romel’s collaboration came about for their first single together ‘Give Me Your Time’ and about Slic Vic producing the single

Alya Website

Romel’s website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Live Alya Elouissi & Romel
Jo Bailey

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Alya Live session + Alyas & Romels Latest track and we hear about time spent on the set of Barbie

Alya sings live at the studio and tells us about the song she wrote for a movie, writing songs in different languages, her time on the set of the film Barbie
How Anya’s & Romel’s collaboration came about for their first single together ‘Give Me Your Time’ and about Slic Vic producing the single

Alya Website

Romel’s website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Live Alya Elouissi & Romel
Jo Bailey

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Alya Live session + Alyas & Romels Latest track and we hear about time spent on the set of Barbie

Alya sings live at the studio and tells us about the song she wrote for a movie, writing songs in different languages, her time on the set of the film Barbie
How Anya’s & Romel’s collaboration came about for their first single together ‘Give Me Your Time’ and about Slic Vic producing the single

Alya Website

Romel’s website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Live Alya Elouissi & Romel
Jo Bailey

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