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Amazon best selling authors Simon & Mark, The Accidental Manager – Child welfare in youth football and their next steps

Image taken by Nicky Hayes

We Catch up with Amazon Best Seller, The Accidental Manager Authors, Simon Compton & Mark Jones tell us of their Journey from youth football, the highs and the lows being a manager and a Parent.
The book has received rave reviews from parents up and down the country that have witnessed incidents in youth football.

FA say they have robust measures in place To protect kids and deal with incidents. Yet it’s difficult to find the information/report that is relevant to Youth Football?

Reporting systems within youth football, lack of trust in the system, lack of accountability and lack of time can be the reasons why not many incidents are reported.
We hear the joy that both mark & Simon get when hearing stories from their past team players that have fond memories of their time playing football with their club.

What’s the next steps to helping provide safe spaces and changing attitudes in youth football.

The Accidental Manager

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Amazon best selling authours Simon & Mark of The Accidental Manager - Child welfare in youth football and their next steps
Jo Bailey
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Amazon best selling authors Simon & Mark, The Accidental Manager – Child welfare in youth football and their next steps

Image taken by Nicky Hayes

We Catch up with Amazon Best Seller, The Accidental Manager Authors, Simon Compton & Mark Jones tell us of their Journey from youth football, the highs and the lows being a manager and a Parent.
The book has received rave reviews from parents up and down the country that have witnessed incidents in youth football.

FA say they have robust measures in place To protect kids and deal with incidents. Yet it’s difficult to find the information/report that is relevant to Youth Football?

Reporting systems within youth football, lack of trust in the system, lack of accountability and lack of time can be the reasons why not many incidents are reported.
We hear the joy that both mark & Simon get when hearing stories from their past team players that have fond memories of their time playing football with their club.

What’s the next steps to helping provide safe spaces and changing attitudes in youth football.

The Accidental Manager

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Amazon best selling authours Simon & Mark of The Accidental Manager - Child welfare in youth football and their next steps
Jo Bailey
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Amazon best selling authors Simon & Mark, The Accidental Manager – Child welfare in youth football and their next steps

Image taken by Nicky Hayes

We Catch up with Amazon Best Seller, The Accidental Manager Authors, Simon Compton & Mark Jones tell us of their Journey from youth football, the highs and the lows being a manager and a Parent.
The book has received rave reviews from parents up and down the country that have witnessed incidents in youth football.

FA say they have robust measures in place To protect kids and deal with incidents. Yet it’s difficult to find the information/report that is relevant to Youth Football?

Reporting systems within youth football, lack of trust in the system, lack of accountability and lack of time can be the reasons why not many incidents are reported.
We hear the joy that both mark & Simon get when hearing stories from their past team players that have fond memories of their time playing football with their club.

What’s the next steps to helping provide safe spaces and changing attitudes in youth football.

The Accidental Manager

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Amazon best selling authours Simon & Mark of The Accidental Manager - Child welfare in youth football and their next steps
Jo Bailey
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Amazon best selling authors Simon & Mark, The Accidental Manager – Child welfare in youth football and their next steps

Image taken by Nicky Hayes

We Catch up with Amazon Best Seller, The Accidental Manager Authors, Simon Compton & Mark Jones tell us of their Journey from youth football, the highs and the lows being a manager and a Parent.
The book has received rave reviews from parents up and down the country that have witnessed incidents in youth football.

FA say they have robust measures in place To protect kids and deal with incidents. Yet it’s difficult to find the information/report that is relevant to Youth Football?

Reporting systems within youth football, lack of trust in the system, lack of accountability and lack of time can be the reasons why not many incidents are reported.
We hear the joy that both mark & Simon get when hearing stories from their past team players that have fond memories of their time playing football with their club.

What’s the next steps to helping provide safe spaces and changing attitudes in youth football.

The Accidental Manager

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Amazon best selling authours Simon & Mark of The Accidental Manager - Child welfare in youth football and their next steps
Jo Bailey
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