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high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
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Where does she find the time?!

Prolific local author Sylvia Kent popped in this morning to talk about two fascinating ebooks she’s recently published, both on aspects of local history. In “St Mary Magdalene: Billericay’s Church in the High Street” Sylvia describes how this much-loved landmark has played an important role in the life of the town for over 600 years, with the proceeds from sale of the book going towards the fund for its major restoration 5 years ago. “Brentwood: Historic Town” goes back even further, to the town’s very early days, covering also the many nearby villages, and includes some great insights into many of the notable characters who’ve been linked with Brentwood in one way or another. Both ebooks are available via Amazon.

Sylvia also spoke briefly about Billericay’s Cater Museum, as well as her involvement with the Brentwood Writers’ Circle and the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. Sylvia also writes a regular blog, on a whole host of topics, and appears regularly on Michelle’s Eat my Lunch with her Book Club. To listen again to our conversation click here:

[audio:|titles=Feelgood Saturday 29 09 12 Sylvia Kent 1]
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Where does she find the time?!

Prolific local author Sylvia Kent popped in this morning to talk about two fascinating ebooks she’s recently published, both on aspects of local history. In “St Mary Magdalene: Billericay’s Church in the High Street” Sylvia describes how this much-loved landmark has played an important role in the life of the town for over 600 years, with the proceeds from sale of the book going towards the fund for its major restoration 5 years ago. “Brentwood: Historic Town” goes back even further, to the town’s very early days, covering also the many nearby villages, and includes some great insights into many of the notable characters who’ve been linked with Brentwood in one way or another. Both ebooks are available via Amazon.

Sylvia also spoke briefly about Billericay’s Cater Museum, as well as her involvement with the Brentwood Writers’ Circle and the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. Sylvia also writes a regular blog, on a whole host of topics, and appears regularly on Michelle’s Eat my Lunch with her Book Club. To listen again to our conversation click here:

[audio:|titles=Feelgood Saturday 29 09 12 Sylvia Kent 1]
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Where does she find the time?!

Prolific local author Sylvia Kent popped in this morning to talk about two fascinating ebooks she’s recently published, both on aspects of local history. In “St Mary Magdalene: Billericay’s Church in the High Street” Sylvia describes how this much-loved landmark has played an important role in the life of the town for over 600 years, with the proceeds from sale of the book going towards the fund for its major restoration 5 years ago. “Brentwood: Historic Town” goes back even further, to the town’s very early days, covering also the many nearby villages, and includes some great insights into many of the notable characters who’ve been linked with Brentwood in one way or another. Both ebooks are available via Amazon.

Sylvia also spoke briefly about Billericay’s Cater Museum, as well as her involvement with the Brentwood Writers’ Circle and the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. Sylvia also writes a regular blog, on a whole host of topics, and appears regularly on Michelle’s Eat my Lunch with her Book Club. To listen again to our conversation click here:

[audio:|titles=Feelgood Saturday 29 09 12 Sylvia Kent 1]
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Where does she find the time?!

Prolific local author Sylvia Kent popped in this morning to talk about two fascinating ebooks she’s recently published, both on aspects of local history. In “St Mary Magdalene: Billericay’s Church in the High Street” Sylvia describes how this much-loved landmark has played an important role in the life of the town for over 600 years, with the proceeds from sale of the book going towards the fund for its major restoration 5 years ago. “Brentwood: Historic Town” goes back even further, to the town’s very early days, covering also the many nearby villages, and includes some great insights into many of the notable characters who’ve been linked with Brentwood in one way or another. Both ebooks are available via Amazon.

Sylvia also spoke briefly about Billericay’s Cater Museum, as well as her involvement with the Brentwood Writers’ Circle and the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. Sylvia also writes a regular blog, on a whole host of topics, and appears regularly on Michelle’s Eat my Lunch with her Book Club. To listen again to our conversation click here:

[audio:|titles=Feelgood Saturday 29 09 12 Sylvia Kent 1]
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