Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
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Sunshine or Showers?

What’s going on with our weather? Maybe like me you are still waiting for summer to arrive. If so there may be good news on the horizon. A report in the Metro states that from today the British summer could finally be upon us, with a little help from the Spanish.
A ‘Spanish plume’ of very hot air, heading to the UK in the middle of July, could see six weeks of 30°C temperatures.
That’s all very well until you look at the actual weather forecast! Thunder, torrential downpours and below average temperatures. Oh well, at least the rain will be fairly warm.
Although Scott was away today he did make a brief audio appearance on the show in the regular Bygones feature, talking to Margaret Mills about Merrymeade House in Brentwood. You can listen to that again here –

Merrymeade House

Merrymeade House

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Sunshine or Showers?

What’s going on with our weather? Maybe like me you are still waiting for summer to arrive. If so there may be good news on the horizon. A report in the Metro states that from today the British summer could finally be upon us, with a little help from the Spanish.
A ‘Spanish plume’ of very hot air, heading to the UK in the middle of July, could see six weeks of 30°C temperatures.
That’s all very well until you look at the actual weather forecast! Thunder, torrential downpours and below average temperatures. Oh well, at least the rain will be fairly warm.
Although Scott was away today he did make a brief audio appearance on the show in the regular Bygones feature, talking to Margaret Mills about Merrymeade House in Brentwood. You can listen to that again here –

Merrymeade House

Merrymeade House

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Sunshine or Showers?

What’s going on with our weather? Maybe like me you are still waiting for summer to arrive. If so there may be good news on the horizon. A report in the Metro states that from today the British summer could finally be upon us, with a little help from the Spanish.
A ‘Spanish plume’ of very hot air, heading to the UK in the middle of July, could see six weeks of 30°C temperatures.
That’s all very well until you look at the actual weather forecast! Thunder, torrential downpours and below average temperatures. Oh well, at least the rain will be fairly warm.
Although Scott was away today he did make a brief audio appearance on the show in the regular Bygones feature, talking to Margaret Mills about Merrymeade House in Brentwood. You can listen to that again here –

Merrymeade House

Merrymeade House

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Sunshine or Showers?

What’s going on with our weather? Maybe like me you are still waiting for summer to arrive. If so there may be good news on the horizon. A report in the Metro states that from today the British summer could finally be upon us, with a little help from the Spanish.
A ‘Spanish plume’ of very hot air, heading to the UK in the middle of July, could see six weeks of 30°C temperatures.
That’s all very well until you look at the actual weather forecast! Thunder, torrential downpours and below average temperatures. Oh well, at least the rain will be fairly warm.
Although Scott was away today he did make a brief audio appearance on the show in the regular Bygones feature, talking to Margaret Mills about Merrymeade House in Brentwood. You can listen to that again here –

Merrymeade House

Merrymeade House

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