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Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM – Podcast 7 – Music Special

Our October podcast, intended to mark World Mental Health Day, is a music special. We asked our followers from all around the world to tell us which music tracks have a special meaning to them or tracks that have been helpful to them whilst battling mental illness.

The result is almost a two hour mix of great music.

You can listen here – [mixcloud][/mixcloud]

Bob and Scott - We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this pocast!

Bob and Scott – We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this podcast!

Special thanks go to local musician Paolo Morena who contributed to the podcast by sending us his latest track, Clear Water No Worries and told us what inspired him to write the song.


Other music in the show includes tracks from the Foo Fighters, James Taylor, The Who, Bill Withers, Miley Cyrus, Marmalade, Status Quo, Joe Bonamassa, Avril Levinge and many more. Quite a selection! Enjoy.

Let us know what you think of the programme!
Twitter: @MHMpodcast
Facebook: “Mental Health Matters of Phoenix FM”
Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Assistant Producers: Wayne B, Bob Simpson & Isla B
Helpful Organisations:
MIND (national helpline) : 0300 123 3393     or at
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90    or at
SANE : 0845 767 8000    or
Rethink Mental Illness:
Elefriends (Mental Health online support forum) :
Young Minds: Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 FREE or

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Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM – Podcast 7 – Music Special

Our October podcast, intended to mark World Mental Health Day, is a music special. We asked our followers from all around the world to tell us which music tracks have a special meaning to them or tracks that have been helpful to them whilst battling mental illness.

The result is almost a two hour mix of great music.

You can listen here – [mixcloud][/mixcloud]

Bob and Scott - We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this pocast!

Bob and Scott – We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this podcast!

Special thanks go to local musician Paolo Morena who contributed to the podcast by sending us his latest track, Clear Water No Worries and told us what inspired him to write the song.


Other music in the show includes tracks from the Foo Fighters, James Taylor, The Who, Bill Withers, Miley Cyrus, Marmalade, Status Quo, Joe Bonamassa, Avril Levinge and many more. Quite a selection! Enjoy.

Let us know what you think of the programme!
Twitter: @MHMpodcast
Facebook: “Mental Health Matters of Phoenix FM”
Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Assistant Producers: Wayne B, Bob Simpson & Isla B
Helpful Organisations:
MIND (national helpline) : 0300 123 3393     or at
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90    or at
SANE : 0845 767 8000    or
Rethink Mental Illness:
Elefriends (Mental Health online support forum) :
Young Minds: Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 FREE or

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Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM – Podcast 7 – Music Special

Our October podcast, intended to mark World Mental Health Day, is a music special. We asked our followers from all around the world to tell us which music tracks have a special meaning to them or tracks that have been helpful to them whilst battling mental illness.

The result is almost a two hour mix of great music.

You can listen here – [mixcloud][/mixcloud]

Bob and Scott - We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this pocast!

Bob and Scott – We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this podcast!

Special thanks go to local musician Paolo Morena who contributed to the podcast by sending us his latest track, Clear Water No Worries and told us what inspired him to write the song.


Other music in the show includes tracks from the Foo Fighters, James Taylor, The Who, Bill Withers, Miley Cyrus, Marmalade, Status Quo, Joe Bonamassa, Avril Levinge and many more. Quite a selection! Enjoy.

Let us know what you think of the programme!
Twitter: @MHMpodcast
Facebook: “Mental Health Matters of Phoenix FM”
Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Assistant Producers: Wayne B, Bob Simpson & Isla B
Helpful Organisations:
MIND (national helpline) : 0300 123 3393     or at
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90    or at
SANE : 0845 767 8000    or
Rethink Mental Illness:
Elefriends (Mental Health online support forum) :
Young Minds: Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 FREE or

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Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM – Podcast 7 – Music Special

Our October podcast, intended to mark World Mental Health Day, is a music special. We asked our followers from all around the world to tell us which music tracks have a special meaning to them or tracks that have been helpful to them whilst battling mental illness.

The result is almost a two hour mix of great music.

You can listen here – [mixcloud][/mixcloud]

Bob and Scott - We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this pocast!

Bob and Scott – We so enjoyed putting together the great music for this podcast!

Special thanks go to local musician Paolo Morena who contributed to the podcast by sending us his latest track, Clear Water No Worries and told us what inspired him to write the song.


Other music in the show includes tracks from the Foo Fighters, James Taylor, The Who, Bill Withers, Miley Cyrus, Marmalade, Status Quo, Joe Bonamassa, Avril Levinge and many more. Quite a selection! Enjoy.

Let us know what you think of the programme!
Twitter: @MHMpodcast
Facebook: “Mental Health Matters of Phoenix FM”
Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Assistant Producers: Wayne B, Bob Simpson & Isla B
Helpful Organisations:
MIND (national helpline) : 0300 123 3393     or at
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90    or at
SANE : 0845 767 8000    or
Rethink Mental Illness:
Elefriends (Mental Health online support forum) :
Young Minds: Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 FREE or

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One a month, no spam, honest

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