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high today 19°C, low tonight 13°C
sunrise 07:25, sunset 18:02
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Fancy a pint? In Dover?

Eagle-eyed Phoenix FM listener Neil Davies spotted the Brentwood Brewing Company’s PHOENIX ALE still on sale at the King’s Head in Dover this weekend!

phoenix ale

The beer was originally brewed for the station back in March 2010 and was launched at the Eagle and Child pub in Shenfield. You can read the full story – as reported at the time by the Brentwood Gazette – below. (Click on the image to see a bigger one)


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Fancy a pint? In Dover?

Eagle-eyed Phoenix FM listener Neil Davies spotted the Brentwood Brewing Company’s PHOENIX ALE still on sale at the King’s Head in Dover this weekend!

phoenix ale

The beer was originally brewed for the station back in March 2010 and was launched at the Eagle and Child pub in Shenfield. You can read the full story – as reported at the time by the Brentwood Gazette – below. (Click on the image to see a bigger one)


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Fancy a pint? In Dover?

Eagle-eyed Phoenix FM listener Neil Davies spotted the Brentwood Brewing Company’s PHOENIX ALE still on sale at the King’s Head in Dover this weekend!

phoenix ale

The beer was originally brewed for the station back in March 2010 and was launched at the Eagle and Child pub in Shenfield. You can read the full story – as reported at the time by the Brentwood Gazette – below. (Click on the image to see a bigger one)


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Fancy a pint? In Dover?

Eagle-eyed Phoenix FM listener Neil Davies spotted the Brentwood Brewing Company’s PHOENIX ALE still on sale at the King’s Head in Dover this weekend!

phoenix ale

The beer was originally brewed for the station back in March 2010 and was launched at the Eagle and Child pub in Shenfield. You can read the full story – as reported at the time by the Brentwood Gazette – below. (Click on the image to see a bigger one)


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