I was joined this morning by George Adey, who shares his insights in George’s World every fortnight on Michelle Ward’s Eat my Lunch, along with Andrew, a fellow member of Brentwood’s Trinity Church, to talk about the On the Move event that they and other local churches were taking part in by the Chapel ruins:
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Feelgood-Saturday-02-07-11-On-the-Move.mp3|titles=Feelgood Saturday 02 07 11 On the Move]It was also a pleasure this morning to meet four of the dozen children from Ukraine currently on holiday with families in Essex organised by the Billericay Link of Chernobyl Children’s Life Line. Dasha, Vlada, Pasha and Max all spoke in brilliant English about some of the things they’ve been getting up to; and their hosts, Gaynor, Pippa and Nick, talked about things from their perspective. Chairman of the Link, David Gladstone, said that they’re always looking for people to consider hosting children in future years; David can be contacted on 01277 653462:[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Feelgood-Saturday-02-07-11-BLCCLL.mp3|titles=Feelgood Saturday 02 07 11 BLCCLL]
I also had a brief chat with Olga Ruocco of the Thalian Theatre Group, who told us about their current production at the Towngate Theatre, Second from Last in the Sack Race. Olga also mentioned their next production, the play The Accrington Pals, for which they’re looking for new members to audition – to contact the group, which is based in Basildon, e-mail thaliantg@hotmail.com:
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Feelgood-Saturday-02-07-11-Olga-Ruocco.mp3|titles=Feelgood Saturday 02 07 11 Olga Ruocco]