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We’re happy to give baby basics a helping hand through its infancy

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

It’s always great to feature new local initiatives that may be of interest to our community – the more we get on air, the better.

Bob Simpson chatted to Jane Robb, who came into the studio to talk on his Wednesday lunchtime show One 2 Three about Baby Basics.

Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby.

The group started in Sheffield in 2009 and there is now an ever-increasing network of Baby Basics centres across the country, each staffed by a committed team of volunteers.

Baby Basics has recently arrived in Billericay – it’s only been fully up and running for a couple of months, having gone live in April.

Jane explained that the group offers a starter kit packed into a moses basket which aims to provide for those struggling to cope with the needs of a new baby. Referrals are made from midwives, health visitors and other professionals.

You can find out more – or support Baby Basics’ work with a cash donation – by emailing the group on You can also find out more at and you can hear the chat between Bob and Jane at

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We’re happy to give baby basics a helping hand through its infancy

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

It’s always great to feature new local initiatives that may be of interest to our community – the more we get on air, the better.

Bob Simpson chatted to Jane Robb, who came into the studio to talk on his Wednesday lunchtime show One 2 Three about Baby Basics.

Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby.

The group started in Sheffield in 2009 and there is now an ever-increasing network of Baby Basics centres across the country, each staffed by a committed team of volunteers.

Baby Basics has recently arrived in Billericay – it’s only been fully up and running for a couple of months, having gone live in April.

Jane explained that the group offers a starter kit packed into a moses basket which aims to provide for those struggling to cope with the needs of a new baby. Referrals are made from midwives, health visitors and other professionals.

You can find out more – or support Baby Basics’ work with a cash donation – by emailing the group on You can also find out more at and you can hear the chat between Bob and Jane at

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We’re happy to give baby basics a helping hand through its infancy

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

It’s always great to feature new local initiatives that may be of interest to our community – the more we get on air, the better.

Bob Simpson chatted to Jane Robb, who came into the studio to talk on his Wednesday lunchtime show One 2 Three about Baby Basics.

Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby.

The group started in Sheffield in 2009 and there is now an ever-increasing network of Baby Basics centres across the country, each staffed by a committed team of volunteers.

Baby Basics has recently arrived in Billericay – it’s only been fully up and running for a couple of months, having gone live in April.

Jane explained that the group offers a starter kit packed into a moses basket which aims to provide for those struggling to cope with the needs of a new baby. Referrals are made from midwives, health visitors and other professionals.

You can find out more – or support Baby Basics’ work with a cash donation – by emailing the group on You can also find out more at and you can hear the chat between Bob and Jane at

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We’re happy to give baby basics a helping hand through its infancy

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

It’s always great to feature new local initiatives that may be of interest to our community – the more we get on air, the better.

Bob Simpson chatted to Jane Robb, who came into the studio to talk on his Wednesday lunchtime show One 2 Three about Baby Basics.

Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby.

The group started in Sheffield in 2009 and there is now an ever-increasing network of Baby Basics centres across the country, each staffed by a committed team of volunteers.

Baby Basics has recently arrived in Billericay – it’s only been fully up and running for a couple of months, having gone live in April.

Jane explained that the group offers a starter kit packed into a moses basket which aims to provide for those struggling to cope with the needs of a new baby. Referrals are made from midwives, health visitors and other professionals.

You can find out more – or support Baby Basics’ work with a cash donation – by emailing the group on You can also find out more at and you can hear the chat between Bob and Jane at

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