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Bowled over with stories about club’s amazing and long history

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

Members of one of the town’s oldest clubs came to visit our sports show last week, when Bob Theobald and Terry Smith from Brentwood Bowling Club came to the studio.

The club has an amazing history – not many local clubs can claim to be more than a century old. Brentwood Bowling Club was formed in 1908 and was the first bowls club in our area.

Their headquarters was a bowling green behind the Yorkshire Grey public house in the High Street, approximately where the roundabout is situated in the middle of William Hunter Way. Hard to imagine this busy area being so much more tranquil!

The bowling club remained there until 1960 when the pub was closed down. They now occupy a very enviable position in King George’s Playing Fields, a location they have occupied for 60 years, where they have two greens, a club house and a bar.

Bob and Terry sat in with our Phoenix Sport presenter John Chubb to talk about the club’s open weekend and how local people can get involved.

You can hear the interview again at – and find out more about the club at

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Bowled over with stories about club’s amazing and long history

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

Members of one of the town’s oldest clubs came to visit our sports show last week, when Bob Theobald and Terry Smith from Brentwood Bowling Club came to the studio.

The club has an amazing history – not many local clubs can claim to be more than a century old. Brentwood Bowling Club was formed in 1908 and was the first bowls club in our area.

Their headquarters was a bowling green behind the Yorkshire Grey public house in the High Street, approximately where the roundabout is situated in the middle of William Hunter Way. Hard to imagine this busy area being so much more tranquil!

The bowling club remained there until 1960 when the pub was closed down. They now occupy a very enviable position in King George’s Playing Fields, a location they have occupied for 60 years, where they have two greens, a club house and a bar.

Bob and Terry sat in with our Phoenix Sport presenter John Chubb to talk about the club’s open weekend and how local people can get involved.

You can hear the interview again at – and find out more about the club at

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Bowled over with stories about club’s amazing and long history

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

Members of one of the town’s oldest clubs came to visit our sports show last week, when Bob Theobald and Terry Smith from Brentwood Bowling Club came to the studio.

The club has an amazing history – not many local clubs can claim to be more than a century old. Brentwood Bowling Club was formed in 1908 and was the first bowls club in our area.

Their headquarters was a bowling green behind the Yorkshire Grey public house in the High Street, approximately where the roundabout is situated in the middle of William Hunter Way. Hard to imagine this busy area being so much more tranquil!

The bowling club remained there until 1960 when the pub was closed down. They now occupy a very enviable position in King George’s Playing Fields, a location they have occupied for 60 years, where they have two greens, a club house and a bar.

Bob and Terry sat in with our Phoenix Sport presenter John Chubb to talk about the club’s open weekend and how local people can get involved.

You can hear the interview again at – and find out more about the club at

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Bowled over with stories about club’s amazing and long history

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

Members of one of the town’s oldest clubs came to visit our sports show last week, when Bob Theobald and Terry Smith from Brentwood Bowling Club came to the studio.

The club has an amazing history – not many local clubs can claim to be more than a century old. Brentwood Bowling Club was formed in 1908 and was the first bowls club in our area.

Their headquarters was a bowling green behind the Yorkshire Grey public house in the High Street, approximately where the roundabout is situated in the middle of William Hunter Way. Hard to imagine this busy area being so much more tranquil!

The bowling club remained there until 1960 when the pub was closed down. They now occupy a very enviable position in King George’s Playing Fields, a location they have occupied for 60 years, where they have two greens, a club house and a bar.

Bob and Terry sat in with our Phoenix Sport presenter John Chubb to talk about the club’s open weekend and how local people can get involved.

You can hear the interview again at – and find out more about the club at

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