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Friday Night Extra 21.4.17 with guest Sarah and Leanne for the charity Aching Arms UK.

Aching arms 2Sarah and Leanne from joined us in the studio tonight. As a bereaved parent who had lost a baby, Leanne decided in 2010 to set up a charity to help parents in a similar situation. They are now in contact with seventy two hospitals in England and have an army of volunteers, including many dedicated fundraisers. The charity gives teddy bears to the bereaved families. She said when her baby died, her arms ached and she needed something to cuddle. Sarah is running in the London Marathon on Sunday, her first ever marathon, to raise money for the charity. To date she has raided over £3,000. However, with the ever expanding work of the charity, including training midwives and lobbying in Parliament, as much as is possible is needed.  There are also many more hospitals to involve in the project. Being a small charity, the organisation is only allowed one runner in the marathon and it will be four years until they can compete again. Much more info is found on the charity websites.  On Face Book – Aching Arms UK. Twitter @AchingArms, Sarah can be supported on

Tonight’s playlist

MonaLisa Twins – God only knows

Michael Buble – Feeling good – loved by Chris listening in Harlow.

Blood, Sweat & Tears – Got to get you into my life

James Taylor – Secret o ‘life

Post Modern Jukebox – Carless whisper

Petual Clark – Sign of the times – requested by Patrick

Beach Boys – Surfin USA – Jonty’s Beach Boys track for tonight.

Tom Jones – Didn’t it rain

Brenda Russell – Piano in the dark

Ventures – Ghost riders in the sky

Spencer Davis Group – Keep on running – chosen by Sarah

Kelly Clarkson – Stronger – chosen by Leanne & Sarah

Take That – Rule the world – chosen by Leanne

Eagles – Heart of the matter

Lisa Harman – No dress rehearsal – another exclusive track

Ella Fitzgerald – Every time we say goodbye – Jonty demonstrated scat singing.

Temptations – Just my imagination.

Join me next week when my guests will be from Ingatestone Junior school.

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Friday Night Extra 21.4.17 with guest Sarah and Leanne for the charity Aching Arms UK.

Aching arms 2Sarah and Leanne from joined us in the studio tonight. As a bereaved parent who had lost a baby, Leanne decided in 2010 to set up a charity to help parents in a similar situation. They are now in contact with seventy two hospitals in England and have an army of volunteers, including many dedicated fundraisers. The charity gives teddy bears to the bereaved families. She said when her baby died, her arms ached and she needed something to cuddle. Sarah is running in the London Marathon on Sunday, her first ever marathon, to raise money for the charity. To date she has raided over £3,000. However, with the ever expanding work of the charity, including training midwives and lobbying in Parliament, as much as is possible is needed.  There are also many more hospitals to involve in the project. Being a small charity, the organisation is only allowed one runner in the marathon and it will be four years until they can compete again. Much more info is found on the charity websites.  On Face Book – Aching Arms UK. Twitter @AchingArms, Sarah can be supported on

Tonight’s playlist

MonaLisa Twins – God only knows

Michael Buble – Feeling good – loved by Chris listening in Harlow.

Blood, Sweat & Tears – Got to get you into my life

James Taylor – Secret o ‘life

Post Modern Jukebox – Carless whisper

Petual Clark – Sign of the times – requested by Patrick

Beach Boys – Surfin USA – Jonty’s Beach Boys track for tonight.

Tom Jones – Didn’t it rain

Brenda Russell – Piano in the dark

Ventures – Ghost riders in the sky

Spencer Davis Group – Keep on running – chosen by Sarah

Kelly Clarkson – Stronger – chosen by Leanne & Sarah

Take That – Rule the world – chosen by Leanne

Eagles – Heart of the matter

Lisa Harman – No dress rehearsal – another exclusive track

Ella Fitzgerald – Every time we say goodbye – Jonty demonstrated scat singing.

Temptations – Just my imagination.

Join me next week when my guests will be from Ingatestone Junior school.

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[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]


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Friday Night Extra 21.4.17 with guest Sarah and Leanne for the charity Aching Arms UK.

Aching arms 2Sarah and Leanne from joined us in the studio tonight. As a bereaved parent who had lost a baby, Leanne decided in 2010 to set up a charity to help parents in a similar situation. They are now in contact with seventy two hospitals in England and have an army of volunteers, including many dedicated fundraisers. The charity gives teddy bears to the bereaved families. She said when her baby died, her arms ached and she needed something to cuddle. Sarah is running in the London Marathon on Sunday, her first ever marathon, to raise money for the charity. To date she has raided over £3,000. However, with the ever expanding work of the charity, including training midwives and lobbying in Parliament, as much as is possible is needed.  There are also many more hospitals to involve in the project. Being a small charity, the organisation is only allowed one runner in the marathon and it will be four years until they can compete again. Much more info is found on the charity websites.  On Face Book – Aching Arms UK. Twitter @AchingArms, Sarah can be supported on

Tonight’s playlist

MonaLisa Twins – God only knows

Michael Buble – Feeling good – loved by Chris listening in Harlow.

Blood, Sweat & Tears – Got to get you into my life

James Taylor – Secret o ‘life

Post Modern Jukebox – Carless whisper

Petual Clark – Sign of the times – requested by Patrick

Beach Boys – Surfin USA – Jonty’s Beach Boys track for tonight.

Tom Jones – Didn’t it rain

Brenda Russell – Piano in the dark

Ventures – Ghost riders in the sky

Spencer Davis Group – Keep on running – chosen by Sarah

Kelly Clarkson – Stronger – chosen by Leanne & Sarah

Take That – Rule the world – chosen by Leanne

Eagles – Heart of the matter

Lisa Harman – No dress rehearsal – another exclusive track

Ella Fitzgerald – Every time we say goodbye – Jonty demonstrated scat singing.

Temptations – Just my imagination.

Join me next week when my guests will be from Ingatestone Junior school.

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[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]


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Friday Night Extra 21.4.17 with guest Sarah and Leanne for the charity Aching Arms UK.

Aching arms 2Sarah and Leanne from joined us in the studio tonight. As a bereaved parent who had lost a baby, Leanne decided in 2010 to set up a charity to help parents in a similar situation. They are now in contact with seventy two hospitals in England and have an army of volunteers, including many dedicated fundraisers. The charity gives teddy bears to the bereaved families. She said when her baby died, her arms ached and she needed something to cuddle. Sarah is running in the London Marathon on Sunday, her first ever marathon, to raise money for the charity. To date she has raided over £3,000. However, with the ever expanding work of the charity, including training midwives and lobbying in Parliament, as much as is possible is needed.  There are also many more hospitals to involve in the project. Being a small charity, the organisation is only allowed one runner in the marathon and it will be four years until they can compete again. Much more info is found on the charity websites.  On Face Book – Aching Arms UK. Twitter @AchingArms, Sarah can be supported on

Tonight’s playlist

MonaLisa Twins – God only knows

Michael Buble – Feeling good – loved by Chris listening in Harlow.

Blood, Sweat & Tears – Got to get you into my life

James Taylor – Secret o ‘life

Post Modern Jukebox – Carless whisper

Petual Clark – Sign of the times – requested by Patrick

Beach Boys – Surfin USA – Jonty’s Beach Boys track for tonight.

Tom Jones – Didn’t it rain

Brenda Russell – Piano in the dark

Ventures – Ghost riders in the sky

Spencer Davis Group – Keep on running – chosen by Sarah

Kelly Clarkson – Stronger – chosen by Leanne & Sarah

Take That – Rule the world – chosen by Leanne

Eagles – Heart of the matter

Lisa Harman – No dress rehearsal – another exclusive track

Ella Fitzgerald – Every time we say goodbye – Jonty demonstrated scat singing.

Temptations – Just my imagination.

Join me next week when my guests will be from Ingatestone Junior school.

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[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]


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