Brentwood: currently 4°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:47, sunset 15:50
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Stella The Raw Food Goddess visits Phoenix



If you bring food into the studio Mike is going to eat it and thats exactly what happened here. Here the interview again with the Lovely and very clever Stella Phillips in between Mike asking questions with his mouth full

Stella has started a new business called Edesias Banquet and is a genius at producing cakes and chocolates and all sorts of stuff with “Raw Foods”

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Stella The Raw Food Goddess visits Phoenix



If you bring food into the studio Mike is going to eat it and thats exactly what happened here. Here the interview again with the Lovely and very clever Stella Phillips in between Mike asking questions with his mouth full

Stella has started a new business called Edesias Banquet and is a genius at producing cakes and chocolates and all sorts of stuff with “Raw Foods”

To find out more about Sterlla and here work follow this link

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Stella The Raw Food Goddess visits Phoenix



If you bring food into the studio Mike is going to eat it and thats exactly what happened here. Here the interview again with the Lovely and very clever Stella Phillips in between Mike asking questions with his mouth full

Stella has started a new business called Edesias Banquet and is a genius at producing cakes and chocolates and all sorts of stuff with “Raw Foods”

To find out more about Sterlla and here work follow this link

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Stella The Raw Food Goddess visits Phoenix



If you bring food into the studio Mike is going to eat it and thats exactly what happened here. Here the interview again with the Lovely and very clever Stella Phillips in between Mike asking questions with his mouth full

Stella has started a new business called Edesias Banquet and is a genius at producing cakes and chocolates and all sorts of stuff with “Raw Foods”

To find out more about Sterlla and here work follow this link

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