Brentwood: currently 14°C, some cloud
high today 15°C, low tonight 7°C
sunrise 07:07, sunset 18:27
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Looking for the “high” life perhaps



Well it is Monday again so we needed something to cheer ourselves up. So on today’s “music packed” show we looked at the house for sale in Bristol complete with a cannabis farm in one of the bedrooms. A property clearly aimed at people looking for the “high ” life!




We also heard about the man returning home from honeymoon who forgot his wife was with him, and left her behind after filling up at a service station! What a mistake to make! It seems that she has forgiven him which I Wife left at gas stationsuspect is more than some wives would do.

Well at least that’s the first day of the working week over.

I’ll see you again tomorrow.


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Looking for the “high” life perhaps



Well it is Monday again so we needed something to cheer ourselves up. So on today’s “music packed” show we looked at the house for sale in Bristol complete with a cannabis farm in one of the bedrooms. A property clearly aimed at people looking for the “high ” life!




We also heard about the man returning home from honeymoon who forgot his wife was with him, and left her behind after filling up at a service station! What a mistake to make! It seems that she has forgiven him which I Wife left at gas stationsuspect is more than some wives would do.

Well at least that’s the first day of the working week over.

I’ll see you again tomorrow.


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Looking for the “high” life perhaps



Well it is Monday again so we needed something to cheer ourselves up. So on today’s “music packed” show we looked at the house for sale in Bristol complete with a cannabis farm in one of the bedrooms. A property clearly aimed at people looking for the “high ” life!




We also heard about the man returning home from honeymoon who forgot his wife was with him, and left her behind after filling up at a service station! What a mistake to make! It seems that she has forgiven him which I Wife left at gas stationsuspect is more than some wives would do.

Well at least that’s the first day of the working week over.

I’ll see you again tomorrow.


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Looking for the “high” life perhaps



Well it is Monday again so we needed something to cheer ourselves up. So on today’s “music packed” show we looked at the house for sale in Bristol complete with a cannabis farm in one of the bedrooms. A property clearly aimed at people looking for the “high ” life!




We also heard about the man returning home from honeymoon who forgot his wife was with him, and left her behind after filling up at a service station! What a mistake to make! It seems that she has forgiven him which I Wife left at gas stationsuspect is more than some wives would do.

Well at least that’s the first day of the working week over.

I’ll see you again tomorrow.


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