Brentwood: currently 7°C, light showers
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
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Arson attacks in 19th century Essex

For today’s look back in time, Margaret Mills took a look at arson attacks in our county.

In the early months of 1844 a number of Essex farms suffered arson attacks but although no one was ever officially charged with the offence, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they’d started.

A certain amount of circumstantial evidence pointed towards at least one individual – but presumably not enough to secure a conviction.

Listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

Hope to see you again next week,

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Arson attacks in 19th century Essex

For today’s look back in time, Margaret Mills took a look at arson attacks in our county.

In the early months of 1844 a number of Essex farms suffered arson attacks but although no one was ever officially charged with the offence, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they’d started.

A certain amount of circumstantial evidence pointed towards at least one individual – but presumably not enough to secure a conviction.

Listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

Hope to see you again next week,

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Arson attacks in 19th century Essex

For today’s look back in time, Margaret Mills took a look at arson attacks in our county.

In the early months of 1844 a number of Essex farms suffered arson attacks but although no one was ever officially charged with the offence, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they’d started.

A certain amount of circumstantial evidence pointed towards at least one individual – but presumably not enough to secure a conviction.

Listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

Hope to see you again next week,

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Arson attacks in 19th century Essex

For today’s look back in time, Margaret Mills took a look at arson attacks in our county.

In the early months of 1844 a number of Essex farms suffered arson attacks but although no one was ever officially charged with the offence, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they’d started.

A certain amount of circumstantial evidence pointed towards at least one individual – but presumably not enough to secure a conviction.

Listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

Hope to see you again next week,

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