Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
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Try outs for Essex Spartans

Almost forgot, if you are a fan of American football and fancy giving it a go yourself then you can go and try out for the Essex Spartans on Sundday 20th and Sunday 27th November at Hanakins Farm, Billericay or go to for further details.

We will keep you upto date on all the goings on as they head towards a new season next year.

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Try outs for Essex Spartans

Almost forgot, if you are a fan of American football and fancy giving it a go yourself then you can go and try out for the Essex Spartans on Sundday 20th and Sunday 27th November at Hanakins Farm, Billericay or go to for further details.

We will keep you upto date on all the goings on as they head towards a new season next year.

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Try outs for Essex Spartans

Almost forgot, if you are a fan of American football and fancy giving it a go yourself then you can go and try out for the Essex Spartans on Sundday 20th and Sunday 27th November at Hanakins Farm, Billericay or go to for further details.

We will keep you upto date on all the goings on as they head towards a new season next year.

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Try outs for Essex Spartans

Almost forgot, if you are a fan of American football and fancy giving it a go yourself then you can go and try out for the Essex Spartans on Sundday 20th and Sunday 27th November at Hanakins Farm, Billericay or go to for further details.

We will keep you upto date on all the goings on as they head towards a new season next year.

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